Who Are You pt.2

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(Play song😏)

"So who are you?" I simply ask.
He looks at me confused.
"Y-you dont remember me?" He asks.

I wanted to say "no shit" but I barley met the guy so...
Not appropriate.

"No, sorry Im still regaining my memory, I've  had some flash backs but thats all" I pat this head and run off, i could tell he was following me.

What does this guy want?
At this point I dont really see what to live for, I mean I remember some stuff, But the one thing I have tattooed  in my head is Pain.

I remember pain, I remember lots of tears, but I dont know why I feel so hurt.

"What you do you want?!" I turn around and ask what he wants.


His lips suddenly crash against mine, I felt sparks running through my body, he felt so familiar.

Then It all came back.


As i rushed out the school i crashed into a tall guy, pale skin, pink lips, his hair fell perfectly. I landed ontop of him, i could see every detail of his face, i was inches apart from his face. I quickly stand up, so did he, "Watch were youre fucking going" he painfully spit on my face. (not accually XD) i couldnt just not say something so i said "And you watch your profanity"i firecefully walk away, leaving him dumbfounded, my experty.

He was my enemy. Sorta.

"Oh look the NEW girl sitting in my spot" a boy, a popular boy came in the room, staring at me, the same guy i had bumped in yesterday, the one that screamed at my face, the one who hurt my feelings a bit. His eyes were scary, they intimidated me, but my dumbass wasnt going to show it, ofcourse.

I moved over to the stop next to that one. "There problem solved" i smiled and gave the same look back.
He smiled too, his smile looked sweet but his eyes said the opposite.

Ok he was a fucking bitch.

"I have good news, i was wondering why i hadnt seen or heard any maids, then i remember that they have this week off." He says in exitment, he smiles again, i cant help but to smile at him. Then i notice him looking at me up and down.

Oh shit, my heart start to beat a little faster. "Oh my pijamas fit you well, you can keep them i don't really need them, and are you hungry?" I was so glad he asked because i was starving my ass off.

"Yess please, i need food!" I yell.

"Well the thing is i dont know how to cook so can you cook?" He asks, then i notice he was in his pijamas looked just like mine except they where blue.

I smiled.
But i didnt know i was also blushing.
"Somin why are you blushing, is it because im soo handsome?" He teased me but i just walk away, i go down the stairs and i find my way to the kitchen where i start making spicy noodles.

After i cook them i serve them on a some plates, i glance at the dining table and find Taehyung staring at me, once he noticed that i catched him staring at me, he looks away but it was way too late.

I shook it off.

"Well then, 3AM snack is ready!" I sing out, and i pass him his plate. "Wow this smells good!" He digs right into his food like a pig. "Yeah and it also tastes good you fat pig" i tease as i sit down accross from him, he just giggles cutely.

"Oh you wanna watch a movie?" He stops eating and suggest, i nodd and he runns upstairs to his room, noodles in his hands, i chase after him.

He quickly puts a horror movie, i told him not to but he didnt listen he just laughed and put the movie in.

We sit down on his bed, while watching the movie.

The horror movie got worse by the second, i ended up hugging his arms rather than finishing my noodles, and before i knew it i fell asleep.

Yet i had a dam crush on him.

I walked pass Suga and into my class, I put my head down and closed my eyes real tight hoping everything would go away.

It didnt.

Class started, Taehyung was no where to be seen, I couldnt take it anymore. I ran out class, straight into the girls restroom.

On my way I see a familiar boy.
I was bout to ask him if maybe he could take me to my real home, but then I notice he isnt alone.

He starts kissing this girl, and I stupidly stand there, I stupidly thought maybe he would just maybe like me.

But now I know not to rely of maybes, because maybes fall apart easily leaving you with nothing but an emty feeling of sadness.

I locked myself in a stall, My knees fall to the ground, I bunched up into a ball, I hugged my knees tight, and the tears started bunching up in my eyes.

My throat started aching, as I sat there on the dirty bathroom floor.

"...its ok somin....
..just dont cry...
...please, dont fucking cry...
...you're gonna be alright..."

I tryed cheering myself up, but it only made it worse, the tears flowing down my face stinged my skin.

And even though i was a closed up person that let nobody into my heart i let him in.

I was expecting he would fix me up, maybe tape up my craked heart but the opposite.

He finished the job my ex boyfriend didnt finish. He ripped my heart apart.

And now here i am.
Our lips touching.

I felt so heart broken, so i selfishly kept kissing him. And i want it all to stop, i want to for get him, because it isnt gonna end well.

The sun set into my skin, his kiss sunk into my heart, i felt somewhat better.
But it didn't feel correct, because after all im only his fake girlfriend.

Taehyung you cant fool me, i still remember what you said, and now i know why this kiss feels so wrong. Well i wish I'd known that.

[End Of Chapter]
Ugh im tryed of real life.

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