Chapter 2

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"What are YOU doing here?" I rolled my eyes at him."Well now that you ask, Mom said I had to finish high school here, which is bullshit, I could have finished it in America, but nope," he complained. "Oh, stop being a baby, it isn't that bad" I poured the milk into my cereal.

"Oh, by the way, get ready for school, I'm coming with you..."


"How come you didn't have breakfast?" I ask suga as we make our way to school. "I had breakfast while your sleepy ass was sleeping," he insulted again. My whole life I've been insulted by him so I've learned to not give a fuck.

Even though he's been a bitch to me, I know he cares, Suga acts like a bad ass by he's actually a chubby teddy bear.

"Oh....hey I missed you" I hugged his waist, he surprisingly hugged me back. "Yeah I missed you too, and why is everyone staring at us...?" I looked up and everyone had their eyes on us, they watched our every move, but then I notice that they weren't looking at me, they were looking at Suga...

Some girls were blushing, some were giving me dirty look, I hugged Suga even tighter, he did too. "what THE FUCK is going on?" He asked I could tell he was nervous, a girl came up to me and whispered in my ear. "Somin is this your boyfriend?" I looked at her with that Bitch-Is-You-Crazy look "He is my Brother!" I kinda pushed her off me. I hate when these people just assume things. Plus my brother is ugly, even if I wasn't his sister I'd still stay away from that rat.

As soon as we entered the building we let go of each other. "That was weird..." he looked behind and shivered a bit. "Boy, you had girls blushing!"
I wiggle my eyebrows to tease him but he shows no sign of emotions. "Oh COME ON, I know you're blushing, look at yourself" I playfully smack his chest and a smirk starts to appear, but it soon turned into a smile. "Theres the brother that I like," I smiled at him. Since we practically have the same smile, people sometimes confuse us for twins. EXCEPT IM WAY HOTTER!

Suga is one year older than me so he's in Junior year while I'm a Sophomore.

"Do you know where your class is?" I asked changing the subject. "I know everything, Somin.." he made this stupid thinking face, I again started to laugh.

"Ok then mister Know-It-All, ima go to my class... you go make new friends," I kissed his cheek goodbye and he just hugged me. I could see girls giving me more dirty looks, but I just ignored them, and sat in my seat, still nobody sat next to me...

"Hey Somin, you already tryna get the boys...?" A girl with an ugly ass fringe came up to me, her eyes trying to intimidate me but they couldn't.

I looked up at her with an emotionless face. I chuckled confidently. She rolled her eyes. "I SAID ARE YOU TRYNA GET BOYS?!" She screamed at my face, everyone turned to us. I'm usually more of an introvert, but somehow I've suddenly become more confident in myself...? Maybe I really am possessed. FUCK!

"Hmm maybe I am, but can you do something about it?" I ask still keeping my cool.

"That boy that you were with is MY boyfriend" she smirked, but wow if she knew the truth always wins.

"Oh really, he just got here from America, and he is my Brother. He also doesn't date ugly lying pissbabies so you might wanna shut up and mind your own business." I said clearly for everyone to hear, boys started to do that OUUU sound that triggered this bitch girl. Her reaction was hilarious but I kept a straight face while smirking at her as she walked back to her seat defeatedly.

Everyone was holding their laughter, the girl gave me one last look. She looked more than angry and I could tell she was going to try and get revenge. This made me slightly nervous, but I'll just have to deal with that later.

I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes, it was time to RELAXXXX.

"Oh look the NEW girl sitting in my spot," a male voice suddenly interrupted my relaxation time. I snapped my eyes open...
Who dare interrupt my relaxation time!
My heart dropped in panic. IT WAS THAT BOY FROM YESTERDAY.

The one who screamed at my face, then hurt my fragile feelings a bit. YES IM VERY SENSITIVE!
I'm not gonna lie his eyes were scary, they intimidated me. But was I going to show it? nope.

I moved over to the chair next to that one. "There problem solved," I smiled kindly then went back to my scheduled relaxation time.
Before I completely closed my eyes, I noticed he had surprisingly smiled back at me. Yet, his smile looked sweet but his eyes said the opposite.

Shuffled steps came closer. I peaked with one of my eyes to find him standing before me. This is when i noticed how tall he was.

He abruptly grabbed me by my collar. His face now inches away from mine. His eyes stared into my soul for what seemed like years then the slammed me down. Not gonna lie that hurted.

He then reached towards me with his hand. I prepared for the worst and closed my eyes SHUT. I was completely expecting a hard punch to my face. Instead I was greeted by a flick to the fore head...



"Students! do not forget to complete the homework and study! Because I'm giving a test on Friday," The Teacher announced She walked out the class as the bell rang. I could already see suga waiting outside my class. This made me slightly excited as I wanted to see a familiar face after what had happened today.

To give you guys more details whole day this Taehyung guy was bothering me. I honestly felt like punching him. Of course, this was not a very smart plan since I'm practically half his height. Meaning he could easily step on me... yeah I know VERY sad.

I stood up from my seat and made my way towards Suga. "Hey fucker," I greeted him. "Hey you asshat," he smiled. I could tell he was still waiting for someone.

"Who are we waiting for?" I asked a bit excited. "Them," I turned around, a group of boys walked down the hallway like they owned the place. Which most likely they did... Walking along with them was that fuckface. Otherwise knows as. Taehyung.

I wonder if all the boys are like that shitface. If they are then... I guess I'll be single for life. "Oh I see you made some friends," I stand next to Suga, my hand on my waist, see I'm a bit sassy, but just a BIT.

[End Of Chapter]
Hello my dear readers. IT IS, I, THE GREAT CLOWN! just kidding... or am I? teehee
Well I really am hoping you guys enjoyed this chapter! Wonder what will happen next chapter :3


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