Chapter 1: Unbreakable Friendship

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Marley's POV:


"Hey Marley!" 14-year-old Phil says cheerily. "I just got the new Crash Bandicoot game! Want to come over and play?" 13-year-old me nods cheerily, then realizes that Phil can't see me. "Yeah! That sounds awesome, I'll be over in a bit!" I grab my Gameboy and run out the door, my brown hair flying behind me. It's really cold, and I'm only wearing navy blue shorts and my Hard Rock café t-shirt. I open the door and walk in. "Marley!" Phil cheers. I grin and throw our favorite snack at him, Pom Bears and Cadbury chocolate buttons. "FOOOOD!" Phil looks at me and his eye twitches. "You went out in that?" I nod. "Yeah, why?" Phil jumps up and shakes my shoulders lightly. "You can't leave the house wearing those shorts! Do you want some random guy/pterodactyl hybrid to be staring at your bum?!?" My right eye twitches. "No, Phil. I don't want some random guy/pterodactyl hybrid to stare at my bum. I just wore what I was wearing already. You did interrupt my Legend of Zelda game marathon."Phil rolls his eyes. "Whatever, it's my job to protect you from weirdos. I am like your older brother." I smack him with a pillow. "You're only a little older than me! Just eat your Pom Bears and get on with the game!"

*End of Flashback*

"PHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!" I poke him with a stick of pocky. "PHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!" He rolls over and lands on top of me. "PHLIP MICHAEL LESTER, GET OFF OF ME NOW!" Phil opens his eyes and blinks. "What are you doing, Marley?" I feel my jaw drop. "What am I doing? Phil, its 5 pm! You were still asleep! Remember, we have the Muse concert tonight!" Phil looks up to see that I'm fully dressed with my makeup and hair done. I'm wearing my Muse t-shirt, my favorite black hoodie, purple skinny jeans, and my black Jordan sneakers. My brown and blonde hair was straightened and pulled into a ponytail. My fringe was loose and partially covered my eyes. Phil's mouth forms an O shape and he flips out. "I'M NOT EVEN READY! MY HAIR ISN'T DONE, I NEED MY SHIRT!" I shove Phil onto a chair and whip out his hair straightener. "Phil, calm yourself, mate. I got this." I straighten his black hair and throw his Muse t-shirt that matches mine at him. "Go change." He walks to the bathroom and changes into a black hoodie, gray jeans, and black Jordans. "TWINING!" I grab his hand and yank him down the stairs. "C'mon, Philimina, we have to go!" Phil pouts. "I told you not to tall me Philimina." I roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah. whatever. Just 'cause your 20 doesn't mean I'm gonna listen to you." I leap into the driver's seat of my mint green VW Beetle. "LET'S GO!" I slam on the gas pedal and speed down the street. The windows are open, letting the night air fill up my car. I'm blasting the Origin of Symmetry album and we're singing Plug In Baby at the top of our lungs. "Marley! Slow down! The police are going to think we're drunk!" I laugh. "Silly Phil, the police won't bother us! They're probably too busy trying to catch that guy that escaped from jail." Phil shifts in his seat nervously. "I'll slow down a bit, though. Don't worry!" With that, I slowed down to only 5 mph above the speed limit. We arrived at the amphitheater, and Phil and I were shaking with excitement. "I don't think I can walk, Phil." I say, flashing my green puppy dog eyes at him. "NOT THE EYES!" He says and covers his face. I make my eyes even wider and my lip quivers a bit. "Please?" Phil sighs. "Fine. Get on." I grin and hop onto his back. Phil is pretty tall, about 6'2. I'm only 5'4. Looping the pass around his neck, I pat his head. "On with it, my dear peasant." He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, you weirdo." He trudges up to the gate and shows them our tickets. The man working in the booth gives us a weird look. "Ok then..." He mutters. As Phil carries me in, I notice a weird guy in the corner wearing an orange sweatshirt and a beige snow hat. A shiver runs down my back, but I shake it off. "It's all fine, Marley. Just enjoy the concert. It's MUSE!" I grin and leap down from Phil's back. He grabs my arm and we walk to our seats. We had great spots, right by the center of the stage. The stage lights turn on and Matthew Bellamy walks on stage. They open with New Born. A few songs in, I have to use the bathroom. I poke Phil. "Hey Phil, I'm gonna go to the loo, I'll be back." He nods. "Alright Marley, call me if you need me." Laughing at his overprotectiveness, I walk to the bathroom. I feel eyes burning into my back. Whirling around, I see the guy from earlier, the one with the orange hoodie. Fumbling through my bag, I grab my pepper spray. "Can I help you with something?" I say politely. The guy looks at me. "You're coming with me." He says. My eyes widen. "Hang on, I have to beat this level on Angry Birds first." I grab my phone and hit speed dial #1, which is Phil. "Ooh darn, only 20% left. Such a shame. What did you need now?" The stranger grabs me by the shoulder and shoves me against the wall. "You are coming with me." He repeats. "Oh, that isn't going to work. They're going to play my favorite song soon. Pray tell why it's so important that I come with you?" Looking closer, I realize it's the person the police are after. The one who escaped prison. My breath catches in my throat, but I hide my fear. "You're pretty. I need someone pretty in my life. You'd make a great wife, cleaning my knifes for me and such." He pulls out a towel that reeks of chloroform. I struggle in his grip. "You wish, but I have higher standards." This seems to anger the male. He raises his hand and smacks me across the face. I let a small cry of pain slip out. "Marley?" Phil's voice rings out. Looking up, I see the familiar face that always brought me comfort. "Phil! Ru-" I'm cut off by the man punching me in the face. I feel the blood drip from my nose and my lip. "You shouldn't have done that." I kick the man in the stomach and spray pepper spray in his eyes and in his nose. "EVERYBODY FREEZE!" I look up to see five security guards. I feel more blood drip from a cut on my eyebrow. "What's going on here?!?" A guard pulls me off the man and restrains me. "I-I was attacked! Look closely!" I point to my injuries. "Excuse me, but I think this is the criminal that escaped from prison." The guards look closer and realize that it is. "You're coming with us." They cuff the man and drag him away. Phil stares at me. "Marley, what were you thinking?!? You couldn't take on a man like that alone." I'm taken aback. "Phil, in case you forgot, I am a first degree brown belt in karate. I think I can handle myself if I need to." My eyes narrow as he just looks at me. "Marley, look at you. You might be tough, but you're hurt! I should've came with you.." I turn away from Phil. "You can't be with me 24/7, Phil. I'm going to have to experience pain sometimes." Phil grabs my shoulders. "I don't want you to experience pain! You're like my little sister... I-I don't want you to ever feel pain." My eyes well up. I can hear Screenager playing in the back. "Phil, I've already been hurt before. Primary school! Secondary school! It all caused me some type of pain. Just accept that I'm going to get hurt once in a while!" The tears spill over. Phil pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his torso. "I'm glad you care about me, though. You're the best friend a girl could've ever asked for." Phil wipes a tear away. "We're not best friends, Marley." My head jerks up and my eyes well up again.

"We're family."


WOOOOO! Chapter one done! A lot of emotion for the first chapter, but it shows the relationship between Marley and Phil. Ain't they the cutest best friend/family ever? >w<

Song for this chapter: Overprotected- Britney Spears

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