Welcome to the Worst Time Ever

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Charles stepped into the Conservatory in awe. It was his dream to go here (any aspiring dancer's dream, really) and here he was. His sister Raven clung by his side, dragging him to admissions.

"C'mon, Charles!" she giggled, tugging Charles's arm. "I wanna see my dorm!"

Raven, like Charles, had been dancing since she was young. Lucky for her, a talent scout was very impressed with her performance in a competition and sent her a letter at just the tender age of fourteen telling her she'd been admitted to the National Conservatory. In fact, she was the youngest dancer to be accepted as a first year in decades. Charles, however, was not as lucky.

He had specifically auditioned three times for the Conservatory. Each time, he was met with the usual letter always starting with the same "Dear, Mister Xavier, thank you so much for auditioning but we regret to inform you that you have not been chosen to be in the next first year class".

"Fine," he replied to his sister, who's green eyes filled with joy. "I don't like being late anyway." The admissions forms were similar—perhaps too similar—to the many audition forms Charles had filled out, causing him to shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"Charles, do we have any history of mental illness in our family?" Raven asked, snapping Charles out of his rejection flashbacks.

"Depression." he responded shortly. "But I doubt it'll effect you." Raven was adopted by Charles's family when she was four and he was seven.

"Hmm." she huffed.

In an hour, the first class started.  A pas de deux class. Charles practically shook in his place. The teacher began to speak.

"Welcome, First Years. Welcome to the worst time ever. But also the best. What may launch your careers, or what will break them." He began to pace. "I am Sebastian Shaw, but you will address me as Mr. Shaw. I won't waste anymore time. Partner up so we can begin class!"

Charles looked left and right. People were rushing to pair up with each other in a chaotic stampede, even with only eight people. Raven had partnered up with a boy already, a boy with glasses and mousy brown hair. A girl with a tattoo of a butterfly paired up with another man, who said his name was Darwin. Charles thought it quite surprising that the Conservatory let the girl in with her tattoo. A girl with pale blonde hair and icy blue eyes like diamond grabbed the hand of a another blond boy, but reluctantly. Charles was about to approach the girl with the shoulder length auburn hair, who he thought was quite pretty, but she grabbed the hand of a handsome young boy, also blond.

Charles stood around awkwardly, as did the boy who stood next to him. A boy with light brown hair and grey eyes, who's demeanor nonchalant, as if he wasn't happy to be there and he was bored. Charles looked in the other direction to seem inconspicuous.

He raised his hand. "Excuse me, Mr. Shaw?"

"Yes," replied Shaw. "What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't. My name is Charles." Charles cleared his throat. "Charles Xavier."

"What seems to be the problem, Mr. Xavier?"

"Well, um. You see, uh, the problem is, uh" Charles stuttered. "I don't really have a partner."

"Yeah, neither do I." the boy standing next to him said.

"Well, seeing as there's no more girls in the class, you two will have to partner up with each other." Mr. Shaw shrugged.

"But sir-" Charles began.

"'But sir' what?"

"We're both guys." the boy interrupted. "There aren't any pas de deux's with two guys."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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