Paralogue:Dragon Blood

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Note: Pointless filler chapter. Read if you wish.

We walk through a small field with plenty of crops growing. We had already seen Sophie battle, and even decided to let her come along. Though, she has no control over her horse outside of battle, he listens from time to time in battle. "I can't wait to see my younger twin siblings." She said as she rode ahead of us on Avel, her horse. "Haha. Calm down Sophie. They aren't going anywhere." Silas laughed. "I know, but I really want to see them." She said while looking back at us. Corrin began giggling too. "I've heard that they're more like you than Silas. Is that true?" I asked Corrin. "Yes. They're both the base class Nohr Prince and Nohr Princess." She answered. "How nice. This is my first time meeting them too. You did tell them good things about me, right?" I asked. "Yes, of course." She laughed a bit. Before we could all make it, Corrin saw both Kana and Kamui fighting some Vallite soldiers that found their way here. "Kana! Kamui!" She called, and ran at the speed of light. We all chase after her and watch her one shot the enemy that the twins were fighting. "Mama!" They both cheered at the same. "Kana. Kamui. Are you okay?" She asked her children. "Yeah." They nodded. They both had pale blonde, almost white, hair. Kana, the girl, had her hair done up in a bun on the top of her head, and a few strands sliding down her face and back of her neck. Kamui, the boy, had wild hair with no specific style to it. It was just...a mess. They both had beige armor, the default look for the Nohr Prince/Princess, plus a blue handkerchief tied around their necks. "I'm sorry, you two. You've both been safe here for so long, that I didn't think this kind of thing would happen." She said, holding them tight. "It's okay, mama." Kana said. "Yeah." Kamui agreed. "Thank you, you two. Now off with you both. Your mama has everything under control." She said, and pushed them toward the house in the distance. But the two didn't go anywhere. "YOU!! You dare touch my child?! I will soak these fields in your blood!!" Corrin shouted, and the first victim attacked. Corrin skillfully dodged, and counter attacked, one shoting him. The next was Pegasus Knight, also one shot. She seemed to be doing good for awhile, but she soon grew tired. The Vallite soldiers soon started to connect their attack, and Corrin was huffing and panting. "Mama! There's too many." Kana said to her. "Let us help!" Kamui called. "No. I won't let them hurt you two. Now run!" She shouted. More Vallites came to attack, and she knocked them out too, but they got in their fair share of damage. "You big meanies! Stop bullying our mama!" Both the twins shouted and attacked, only to get knock back to the ground. "Kana! Kamui! How many times did I tell you to run!" Corrin scolded. "We won't run. We're staying right and...rrrgh." Kamui started to act strange. "We won't let them...rrrgh." Even Kana began growling. The two seemed to lose control, and we soon transforming into...something. Once the two changed completely, I could say without hesitation that the twins became dragons. Identical dragons, to be more precise. "Everyone! Prepare for battle! We need to exterminate these pests!" Corrin called to us.

Unfortunately, we only 16 people to fight with, since we couldn't bring everyone in the army here. Our fighters were as follows

1. Corrin
2. Silas
3. Sophie
4. Xander
5. Ryoma
6. Takumi
7. Leo
8. Elise
9. Sakura
10. Hinoka
11. Camilla
12&13. Keaton and Kaden
14. Nyx
15. Shura
And 16. Jakob.
Yeah. Not the biggest army around, but it'll work. The fight was fairly simple. Rout the enemy. Kill them all. Kaden took to the left side of the field, where the mages were, while Keaton took to the right, where the physical hitters were. The Hoshidan and Nohrian royal families followed the first two, depending on which one went were. Hoshido to the left, Nohr to the right. Me, and the other party members followed Corrin to the front. The fight was tough, especially since we were fighting advanced classes. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, just not me, so some people avoided other classes. I, however, went straight on, HDD and everything. The dragged on for a while, and so the dragon twins got restless and began attacking most of our enemies. Once every single soldier died, the twins went back to normal.

"Wh-What happened?" The asked at the same time, sounding very scared. "We dreamt that we both turned into dragons." Kana said. Corrin walked up to them. "Yes. You did. It wasn't a dream." She said, sounding almost angry at them. "We're sorry mama. We didn't mean to." Kamui said. "Are you mad at us?" Kana asked. Corrin's frown soon took a turn for the better, becoming a warm smile. "No. Of course not." She said and brought them into a hug. "In fact, you both made me the happiest mother ever. I can turn into a dragon too." She told them. "Really?!" They asked happily. "Yes. Now, let's spend some time together." She said.

After a few hours with Kana and Kamui, we were ready to leave when they stopped us. "We want to come with you." They said. "What? No. I won't allow it." She said. "But, what if you don't come back. What if you died before we could leave! We'd miss you so much." Kana begged. "Please Mama...?" Kamui began to beg too. Corrin thought on this. "Okay you two. You can come. Just promise me that you'll behave and not get into trouble." She said and ruffled the hairs on their heads. "Okay!" They both agreed with a smile.

Note: I know that Corrin only has one kid, and that's Kana. But I thought since I'm not going to return to this, I'd let Corrin have twins. Depending on which gender your character is, Kana will be the opposite gender, so since Corrin is a girl, Kana would be a boy. But I didn't want that. So I made boy Kana, and changed his name to Kamui. Kana Kamui. Look it up.

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