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You are getting ready for warped tour 2016 and you are excited, because you get to see Palaye Royale, you get to see your childhood best friends. You hope they will remember you, they probably won't, they meet so many fans a day. 

You arrive at warped just on time, it was hot that day you hated it, you hate heat. You had to get used to the heat again, after you moved back to Nevada. You ended up moving to new york when you were 12, it did get hot there but never Nevada hot. You moved back here a year ago with you mom, your dad died two and a half years ago, you guys stayed so you could finish school and you did, you graduated, then you both moved. You miss new york but you missed Nevada more. You get snapped out of your thoughts by your best friend, Tara. you guys became friends in new york the first year of school, but when you were both 14 both her parents passed away and she had no other family, your parents took her in, and so she moved with you guys.  "Y/N HEEELLOOOO EARTH TO Y/N!!!" she screams in your ear and you jump back "What!?! ow! that hurt!!"  "well soorrryy you got lost in that crazy brain of yours" she laughs as she taps your head and you roll your eyes.

You both get out of the car and walk into the venue, excited as ever, you both put sunscreen on in the parking lot, you were the kind of person to burn easily, you and Tara both are drinking tons of water and as the day went on you had the best time ever .

Its time Palaye is about to go on, you and Tara got barricade and are so excited, Sebastian walked on stage, he looks exactly like you remember, that made you so much more excited,  "does he look the same from when you were kids?" Tara leans over to ask me "exactly the same, his style is a bit different"  you answer, you are getting more excited and more nervous by the second. There. He. Is. Emerson Barrett, the boy you had a crush on since you met him, Tara looks at you excitedly "he looks so different!" you say to Tara who looks up at him and back at you. The music starts, and they play, you had a great time you sung you danced you screamed, it was amazing.

After the set you and Tara wait for more people to leave so you wont have to swim your way out of the crowd, you guys are walking around for a bit talking and looking for Palaye's tent, you guys wanted merch! and to meet them, "i hope they are still out there" Tara says as she almost runs into somebody "i do to but im so nervous" "dont be! they are just people, okay? if they dont remember you thats okay" Tara is the fearless type, very upbeat, very hyper.

You find the tent and stand in line for what feels like forever but finally make it to the table, you look up from your shoes and see Remington with a confused look on his face, he greets you and Tara then looks back at you still with a confused face.

"have we met?"

a/n hey guys! here is the first real chapter and stuff, i hope you guys like it, it took a lot longer then i wanted but thats okay <3 i hope i can update often, im sorry if i cant :p

i missed you {Emerson Barrett} #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now