a date <3

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Y/F/R = your favorite restaurant

*3 months have passed*

you're depressed.  more then normal, you've always been depressed, ever since you moved to new york, you didn't want to move then,  but you don't regret it since you met Tara there.

oh Tara the poor thing she's been trying to keep you up and out of bed, if she wasn't here with you, you'd never get out of bed, never eat. anything. You've been thinking about Emerson and the last thing he had said to you "i'm so sorry love" that truly stuck with you, the way he had said it, the way he hugged you. Everything.

warped tour is over and done with, the boys are home and happy now, you are also home but not so happy, you haven't spoken with Emerson much just small talk for a few minu-


a phone call? you pick up quickly not to keep them waiting

its Emerson.

"uh hello?" you answer kind of tired

"hello, Y/N ? its Emerson, i wanted to ask you something."

"go ahead, you can ask me anything Em"  Em?! EM?!! are you insane Y/N??!!! you called him Em!? you haven't said that since you were a kid you guys don't even talk much UGH 

"uhm i was wondering if you would maybe go out somewhere?"

"like a date?" WHY DID YOU SAY THAT IDOT!?

"well sorta, you can ask Tara if she wants to go and i'll tell Remington.... unless, you want it to be a date?" 

you felt your face heat up with a blush rise on your cheeks and you can hear the smirk on his face as if he knows what he did 

"oh uhm well, i mean, i can ask Tara if you want me to im sure she'd love to see Rem"

"okay then its done. be ready by 8"

he hangs up.  

wait... you have to be ready by 8, and its 4:30 shitshitshitshit you mentally panic,

"TAAARRRRAAAAAAAA!!"  "whAt?! whats wrong? is everything alright?"  "kinda, we have to be ready by 8" "excuse me? why?!" you tell her everything and in seconds the both of you are running around the house getting ready yelling at each other to move over or help one or the other to find something.

Finally you're both ready to go and its only 7:45.. you get a text from Emerson 

'Tara's going right? Remington is with me'

'yes, shes going, we're ready'

'perfect! we're here Xx'

you and Tara both walk to the door, Tara opens the door and there are two roses, you pick one up and Tara picks one up, they both had a note on it read 'please be our guests to a lovely dinner at Y/F/R'  you and Tara look at each other and try to think what your favorites restaurant are, nothing came to mind, how did the boys know? did we tell them? you look up from the rose and look down the hall of the building. rose petals all the way to the door, they are so cheesy , you laugh to yourself and Tara looks at you strangely, you both start to walk to the door.

you see a car out front, not parked and waiting for someone as you two open the door Remington and Emerson jump out of the car to open the doors for you both, Tara sits up front with Remington and you and Emerson are in the back, you all head to the secret restaurant and Remington tells you Sebastian and Stephanie will be with us, that makes you happy to hear, you love Steph shes the best. 

you arrive at the restaurant and nearly fall over, the cheesecake factory, "how did you know?" "oh i made some calls" he says with a smirk. you know its a weird place to love so much but you do, you would always go here with your parents as a kid, for your birthday, mothers day, fathers day, any chance you could get, you haven't been in forever.

Emerson holds the door for you and you walk in, you don't know where Tara and Remington went, you and Emerson walk in and you spot Stephanie "Y/N! over here!!!" you hear Stephanie yell, you take Emersons hand and walk over there  "Emerson where is Remington now?" Sebastian asks "I don't know, he ran off with Tara somewhere" Emerson replies, you giggle a bit.

You all talk about anything and everything, jokes are passed around the table, the whole night you didn't see Tara or Remington, it kind of worries you but you don't let that ruin your night.

a/n hai guys it me :p i'm having such writers block for this story so i am sorry but here is the chapter

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