Chap 11

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They arrived at their destination a few hours later. Jack got out first and began talking to a random man, while giving him cash.

"Hey! I need you to keep the cab close and get the dog some water. Give him a meaty treat."

Sara got out next and the Seth who helped his mate. She was looking quite tired. Seth was fearing that she would collapse out of nowhere.

"Okay, stay close to me and don't talk to anyone. Nice and normal", Kack said while they all went inside the building.

They didn't notice one of Wolf's men standing close to them. He was on the telephone.

"I'm tellin' you he walked right past me. With his niece. Bad move."

"This was captured by a far imaging telescope at the University of Bahn. Less than 48 hours ago. What I want to direct your attention to, is this."

"That looks like a smudge!"

"Yes! Yes it does!"

"Was it a space ship?"

"Did they abduct you?"

"Excuse me?"

"The aliens that abducted you, were they the Grays? Or the lizard people."

"What? No, I wasn't abducted by anyone."

"How do you know?"

"Dr. Harlan's last book was all about how the aliens could erase your memory. With probes."

"Donald Harlan's book?"

"You may have been probed."

"It's pure science fiction. People I am talking about
science fact, here. Hard, hard data, not crop circles."

"Hey, you ever actually been inside a crop circle?"

"I have! It was huge! It's where the mothership landed, where they took me on board... where I was married to an alien woman."

"That's it, I will not answer anymore questions... uh, about... alien abductions, crop circles, or Dr. Harlan, is that clear? If we could just get back to the matter at hand. People! Hello? I promise it'll be worth it, the blue nebula!"

Nobody was listening to her as they all strode out, one by one. The small group with the three teens and Jack were met with the mass that was going out. When they got inside, they saw Alex packing her things and grabbing her coffee.

"The cattle mutilation lecture doesn't start for another hour... but... grab a seat, it's supposed to be packed. It always is."

Jess felt pity with the woman. She knew that there weren't many people there at her presentation.

"We're here to see you, actually. Jack Bruno, we met earlier."

"We did?"

"Cab? Airport to hotel? Driver?"

"Oh, the non believer and his co-driver. What are the odds?"

"Hey is there some place we can talk?"

"The crowds in here making you uncomfortable?"

"Even more private than this."

"Look, no offense but I'm pretty..."

"She's doubting her thesis on Gliese 581... and Alcubierre's Warp Drive", Sara cut in.

"How did you know that?" Alex asked stunned.

"Oh, it gets a lot better. Trust me."

"Are you insane?" I heard Alex whisper-yelled to Jack.

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