never let you go

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never let you go

Ariana: Wow Selena, i actually thought you were my friend and not just some fakie like ur bff. And nothing is gonna change between me and Justin cos i love him and no matter what Im not breaking up w him bc of you.

Justin is typing..

Justin: thats my babygirl!!😍

Selena is typing..

Selena: i dont care if you love each other, Im gonna get Justin back!

Ariana is typing..

Ariana: dont get too many imagins hun🤓

SelenaGomez left the chat

Kendall is typing..

Kendall: if she even dare to try to split you Imma beat her ass cos jariana is FOREVER BISH!👊

Ryan is typing..

Ryan: enough of this selriana drama shit blah blah blah

Justin is typing..

Justin: Wassup w u today ry?

Ryan is typing..

Ryan: Idk i guess Im just tired of all this drama?🙄

Ariana is typing..

Ariana: i wanna add some people😍

Justin is typing..

Justin: like who?

Zayn is typing..

Zayn: uuuuh Justin is jelly😏

Justin is typing..

Justin: shut up Zayn

ArianaGrande added Beyonce
ArianaGrande added NickiMinaj
ArianaGrande added JaiBrooks

Justin is typing..

Justin: OKAY OKAY!! Wth ariana?!😐

Ariana is typing..

Ariana: what?

Jai is typing..

Jai: 😏😏

Ariana is typing..

Ariana: whoops..



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