Girl Problems

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I watched as Vanessa kicked off her shoes and flopped on my bed.

"So what's up with you and Alex?" she said. "Are you in love with the back of his head?"

I untied my shoes and scowled at her.

"Nothing is up. We don't even talk." I said. She shot a glare at me.

"Well that wasn't what your eyes were saying, You practically made a pond on your desk from all the drooling."

I could feel the heat rising against my cheeks. I quickly brushed the feeling away and asked about Jacob.

"What about you an Jacob?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. She gave a loud giggle.

"Well if you must know..." She paused. I raised my eyebrows for her to continue.  "Ain't nothing but a chicken wing! He hasn't even noticed me yet but that's okay he cant resist this body!" She raised her hands and brush passed her body as if it was flawless. Vanessa was a tall petite girl. I think the last time we went to the doctor  they said she was about 5'6. She had long golden brown hair that stopped down the center of her back and had a slight tan to her complexion. Her round face and hazel eyes made her look complete.

"But don't try and change the subject!" She blurted between laughs. I rolled my eyes and jumped on the bed with her. She moved over slightly and sighed.

"Did we have homework?" I asked.

"Yeah I think we have Math." she said. "We should start on that. I already have a C in Ms. Tanner's class."

I sighed. I'm not a big fan of math either. I'm more into writing and English. Much easier if you ask me, but I pass her class with an A.

Vanessa hopped off the bed and ran across the room to the stereo. She glanced and me while she hooked up her phone.

"One Type of Dark?" she asked.

"Sure." I nodded. I honestly I don't care what song she plays. I keep thinking about him - Alex. He was a junior just like Vanessa and I but he seemed much older. I had a big crush on him since freshman year and every year Vanessa pushes me to talk to him. I've never really had an actual conversation with him, just a few words. A few months ago he bumped into me and said 'sorry' I told him 'it was fine' and he said 'see you around'. That day I felt like I could fly but I was quickly shot down when Cara pulled up right behind him and practically threw herself into his arms. And to top it of she smirked at me while he held her with ease.

"Storm!...STORM!" I snapped out of my thoughts to Vanessa waving her hands in my face.

"Oh sorry." I said.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked with a smirk.

"Nothing." she looked at me. She could tell she knew I was lying but didn't say anything about it.

"Your the smart one here. Help me with this math!" she exclaimed.

I brushed my hair out of my face. "Ok. lets get to it." I sighed.


 Vanessa's POV

After we finished our homework we went down stairs because Storm's mom (A.K.A. my mother from another sister) cooked ribs, mashpotatoe's and corn with a side of gravy which I think taste disgusting. My mom wouldn't mind me  stay over for dinner because I literally live right next to Storm. As we set down for dinner I could't wait to eat it felt like I haven't ate all day well I did eat lunch but that junk can't compare to Storm's moms good cooking.

"Nessa  darling I'm sorry I know you don't like gravy but Evellen ask for it tonight," Storm's mom says.

"It's ok I don't mind I just won't eat it," I said as I stuffed my mouth with corn.

"So girls how was school today," Storm's mom ask us as I give an evily smirk.

" It was ok except for Storm's drooling!," I say giggling. Storm gave the death glare then kicked my leg under the table and my giggle turned into a loud laugh. 

"why were you drooling Storm," her mom asks curiously. 

"N-No-Nothing mom." Storm stutters.

"She was drooling over Al-" I was interperted by a sweet Storm kicking me in my leg again,"Ouch," I winced at the pain in my leg as Storm laughs. 

"Al, Who is Al," Evellen asks. 

I was about to open my mouth but I didnt want to be limping home because of Storm kicking me over and over in my leg so I did what was best and that was to be as quiet as possible.

"A-Al is a new girl forgein exchange student mom," Storm said nervously.

"Oh, really where's she from," Storm's mom says as she's about to take a spoon of  corn into her mouth.

"Umm... She's from England..yeah she's from England, but any ways mom were's dad." 

"Aww Hon he had to work late today." 

After that we ate in silence and every now and than Storm would give me the "I'm so going to kill you" look. When we where done eating i went up stairs to Storm's to get my things so that i could go home.

Storm's POV

 I was going to kill Vanessa!

I gave her death glares while we headed to my room. Every once and a while she would glance back to see if I was watching, and yes I was.

As soon as we got into my room I slowly closed the door.

"Vanessa..." I breathed slowly.

She looked up.


I turned around slowly and paused. " I'll kill you!" I screamed.

I jumped up and darted towards her and knocked us both to the floor.  Don't get me wrong I was a little pissed she brought 'Him' up, in front of my mother but I could never hurt my best friend. We just rolled around the floor a million times giggling and laughing, knocking things down in the process. I finally got her pinned down with her hand behind her head.

"GOTCHA!" I yelled. she tried to move from my grasp multiple times but just failed. I watched her struggle for a while. she finally stopped.

"Done?" I asked.

she laughed and shook her head. there was a long silence.

I unwrapped my hands from around her wrist and tickled her in every spot possible. Tummy, Neck , Sides and even her underarms. She burst in fits of laughter after a while she started crying and her face was a cherry red.

"OKAY...! OKAY!" she blurted. I kept going. "I'm Sorry!" she yelled. I kept going. "Uncle! Uncle!" she screamed. I still didn't stop.

"I HAVE TO PEE!" She giggled. I jumped up and sat on the bed. Watching her run off into the bathroom. I tried hold in my giggles but I couldn't help it. I laid back on the bed and laugh and chuckled. I choked a few times here and there. Hearing a flush from the bathroom I sat up. The sink started to run, and after a minute or two it stopped, and Vanessa opened the door.

We stared at each other for a while. And then we both started to laugh. We didn't stop. She grabbed her backpack and slipped on her shoes.

"See you tomorrow?" Vanessa chuckled.

"Yeah tomorrow." I manage to get out between breaths.

She shook her head and closed my door. I heard her still giggling down the stairs until the front door slammed shut.

I raced towards my window and waited a few minutes.

Vanessa opened her window and I saw her brown hair flip past the shades of the window. She popped her head out.

Again we stared at each other and started laughing 5 times harder this time. Oh gosh I love my best friend.

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