Chapter 2

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Weird things happening in the office

Harvey had no sooner sat down in his office, Mike absently fondling one of his baseballs as they discussed the case, when Donna slipped in.

"Jessica needs to see you in her office. Immediately. Both of you." Her chipper mood had fled, leaving in its place a faint worry line between her brows and pursed lips. "Harvey, I—" she started.

"You said immediately, right?" Harvey interrupted, already striding to the door, Mike following, "we'll talk later."

"Now that I think about it, it's so obvious," an anonymous voice stage whispered as Harvey and Mike navigated the forest of cubicles.

Harvey broke stride, glanced around, but didn't know who it was or what they meant, so he kept walking. Mike noticed that Gregory was smirking wider than any of the other associates present, and threw a glare his way.

"Uh-oh, you've made Mike mad," another voice jeered, "now he's gonna grab Harvey by the tie and drag him the nearest conference room so they can have angry sex."

Harvey spun around on his heel and raised a brow at Mike, as if to ask What was that all about? Though he didn't look near as angry about it as Mike would have expected. Mike shrugged, then followed on Harvey's heels to keep from having to hear any more unsettling comments.

"Oh Harvey," a falsetto, obviously masculine voice simpered as they reached the doorway. "Don't stop. You're the best boss ever."

"Mike," a more gruff voice rumbled from across the room, "mmm, your ass is so hot and tight. I'm gonna fu—"

"Alright, children," Harvey said lightly, but Mike saw the tense set of his shoulders. "Who gave you permission to record a pornographic audiobook at the office?" The hitherto silent (except for the obvious) room was working alive with the sound of shuffling papers, the click of computer keys, and the murmur of a few voices on phone calls. "Mike and Harvey, though," he said with a tilt of his head, "great names."


Mike didn't know whether to giggle, cringe, or run away, so he followed Harvey's lead and continued on their way to Jessica's office.

"Harvey?" He ventured hesitantly.


"What—what was that all about?"

"No idea," he said cheerfully, holding the door to Jessica's office open for Mike, then following him inside.

"Harvey, we take inter-office relationships very seriously. I'm sure you know that."

"Of course, very seriously. But that doesn't explain why—"

Jessica held up a hand. "Let me finish."

Harvey shut his mouth, but he wasn't happy about it. He wondered exactly how much flirting Mike had done with Rachel this time to warrant this particular bitchout. And why he had to be here for it.

Mike noticed a faint quirk to Jessica's lips, a smile not quite hidden. Whatever the hell this is about, she's enjoying it. Mike didn't think that she was the sadistic sort, but that still didn't calm his nerves.

"If it were to be discovered, lets say, that a senior partner were in a relationship with his or her associate, that would not only constitute a conflict of interests and possible favoritism, but would also be highly unprofessional, not to mention how negatively it would reflect the firm. Understood?"

"Understood," Harvey said, and Mike nodded.

"Since that's out of the way, I need a favor. There's a high profile client vacationing in Miami--"

"But we've got—" Mike stopped mid sentence when two sets of eyes leveled him with equally intimidating glares. "Sorry."

Harvey turned from Mike to Jessica. "But we've got our hands full here with-"

"Louis is going to take the reins on the-"

"Louis? Why's it always got to be Louis?"

"Because, believe it or not, Louis is good at his job. And I would appreciate it if you'd stop interrupting."


"Good," Jessica said, handing over a hefty file, "familiarize yourself with the details." 

"Um, sorry, but why did I need to be here?" Mike asked.

Jessica tilted her head, that faint smirk spreading before disappearing behind a bland mask. "Didn't I make it obvious? You're going too."

"I have to take the kid along?"

"I'm not a kid!"

"Come on, Harvey, it'll be good for him. Showing him the ins and outs, if you will, of wooing a client. Take him under your wing and show him a little of that romance."

Harvey didn't know what the hell was going on, but Jessica's eyes didn't take on that particular shine unless she was up to something. And he had a feeling that he was her guinea pig. But Harvey Specter was no one's guinea pig. So he would have to take on the source of this...whatever it was. He had a good idea who was to blame..

He agreed to go see the stuffy old man in Miami, and take Mike along, but his mind was already elsewhere.

"You leave in four hours."

Harvey gave a curt "Okay," and started for the door.

Mike nodded respectfully.

"Just make sure you don't get drunk and sleep together." Then she winked.

She winked at Mike, and he understood. At least, he thought he understood. He glanced at Harvey, but he wasn't paying attention, already walking out. He gave one more wide-eyed look to Jessica and had to fight a blush as she seemed to look straight through him.  But I—how did—she's a—why?

He retreated quickly, weighing the pros and cons of hiding under his desk. Mike didn't know where Jessica got her information, but it was obvious that she was either trying to get him in Harvey's pants, or just drive him insane.

Either way, he was screwed.

Harvey made a beeline for Donna, then splayed a hand over her computer monitor when she didn't look up right away. She jumped, then punched the button to turn off the screen. Harvey glanced from her reflection in the black monitor back to her.

"I need you to tell me something, and I need you to do it now."

She bit her lip, trying to look innocent. "What do you need?"

"Louis. What's he up to?"

"I don't.." Some of the tension eased as Donna relaxed back into her chair. "I'll get right on it."

"Don't worry about it," Harvey said over his shoulder, already on his way to Louis' office.

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