Chapter 6

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The fanfic author

After a long, boring plane ride, waiting impatiently for Mike to change into a wrinkles suit at the airport, and a taxi trip through midday traffic, Harvey was actually relieved to get back to Pearson Harden. The feeling didn't last. A sense of foreboding grew as he and Mike were met with averted eyes or respectful nods. Harvey felt like they were walking into a trap. That feeling only grew stronger when he saw Jessica waiting outside his office, grim-faced and standing poker-straight.

"Are we in trouble?" Mike murmured at his shoulder.

"Not that I'm aware of," Harvey said as Jessica ushered him into his own damn office along with Mike and Donna.

"I believe that an apology is necessary," Jessica said, turning to face Harvey.

"I'm sorry," Mike blurted, giving Harvey a furtive glance before noticing Jessica's calculating look. He suddenly found the view very interesting.

"As I was saying," Jessica turned from Mike, "I apologize for the lack of professionalism shown in dealing with the," Jessica chose her words carefully, "story that circulated about the two of you."

Mike had turned back from the window. Harvey nodded, suddenly uncomfortable with the vivid tactile memory of Mike stretched beneath him, that Jessica's words evoked.

"The culprit," Jessica snaked a sidelong glance at Donna, who dropped her head to mask a small smile, "came forward and has been properly chastised. And there will be zero tolerance for a repeat of this...event."

"What's that about?" Mike asked at his ear, nodding to Donna's smirk. Harvey was about to give a hell if I know shrug when he saw it. Judging by Mike's sharp intake of breath, he noticed Jessica smile and wink at Donna, too, before her face smoothed back into an unreadable mask.

They're up to something," Harvey whispered as the two talked quietly before Jessica handed over the case file and left.


Donna bit her lip. She wasn't sure of the proper etiquette in this specific situation. Maybe she should just...

"I'm the one that wrote 'A Porno in Three Acts,' starring Harvey Spectator and Mike Rass." That's one way to do it, Donna mused, enjoying Harvey and Mike's gobsmacked expressions far too much. 

"I knew it!" Mike said.

"No, you didn't."

"No, I didn't. But you were on my list of suspects!"

"I should have known," Harvey said, moving far out of reach of Mike's flailing arms.

Donna noticed the move and misinterpreted it. "There's no reason for you to feel uncomfortable around each other. It was just a joke."

Harvey opened his mouth to ask what the hell she was talking about, but Mike beat him.

"I'm not uncomfortable," he gave a fake laugh, hesitated, "okay, fine, it's weird. And I'm suddenly very uncomfortable so I'm just going to go work on something." Mike spoke quickly, bumping into Harvey and giving him a quick grin that Donna couldn't see before beating a hasty retreat to his cubicle.

"I am sorry," Donna said, serious and a little worried.

Harvey nodded. "I've got work to do." He knew he was being petty, but Mike had just given him the opportunity to work some sweet, sweet revenge. So he was going to milk it for ever it was worth.

Later in the day, Harvey ran into Mike on his way out of his office.

"What've you got?"

"There's this, uh, the thing is—"

"Spit it out," Harvey said, then noticed their captive audience when Mike tilted his head in Donna's direction. Ah. That explains it. He never would have though Mike was that good an actor, but he had to give him credit. He stammered, fumbling over words, refusing to look at him, and he even blushed before giving Harvey the information he needed and walking away very quickly.

Donna frowned at him. "Is he—"

"He'll be fine," Harvey shrugged, "he'll get over it."

Donna pursed her lips and Harvey had to fight a grin. Sweet revenge.

(I know this chapter is very short but I decided to cut this chapter here so it would be two short chapters instead of one gigantic chapter:3 )

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