Chapter 4

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Mike is a lightweight

Interesting is one word for it, Harvey groused, shrugging a shoulder to try to dislodge Mike's head. He'd fallen asleep shortly after takeoff, head back against the headrest and mouth hanging open. Then he'd started to inch in his sleep, head drooping to the side until it fell on Harvey's shoulder. 

Mike just mumbled something in his sleep, rubbed his cheek against his impromptu pillow, and started to snore faintly.

That's it. Harvey jabbed Mike in the side and he straightened up with a quick apology, then his eyes started to droop again immediately. He really needed to get more sleep at night.

Harvey stifled a sigh as Mike's head lolled to the side and wound up back on his shoulder.  If he drools on my suit he's buying me a new one, he though, shifting in his seat to get more comfortable. He checked his watch.  Just another hour, is that all? Hew dropped his head back onto the headrest and closed his eyes.

After they got off the plane, Mike at his side, still groggy and half asleep with his hair tousled, Harvey checked his phone. Three voicemail messages. The first was a message from Donna: "Harvey, I really need to tell you something. Get back to me." The second was from Jessica: "Damn," Harvey heard a melodramatic sigh over the line, "I guess you're already on the plane. Mr. Adams no longer has need of our services, so just take the day off and get a flight back tomorrow. Or the next day." Harvey heard the faint murmur of another voice, followed by a low laugh from Jessica. "Show Mike some of the sights and take it easy."

Harvey knew he was in some alternate reality because there was no way that Jessica had just said that. She would have had him headed back on the very next flight in normal circumstances. Not that he was complaining. He did not look forward to another plane ride with Mike drooling on his shoulder. 

The third message was Donna: "Me again. Nevermind about that thing I needed to talk to you about. It's taken care of." Harvey shook his head and hailed a cab, heading for their hotel.


"Swanky," Mike said, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the brightly lit lobby from the dusky dark outside. He stopped a few steps inside to study a mural painted on the far wall. 

"You think so?" Harvey asked, a little pleased at Mike's wide-eyed wonder at place's somewhat garish attempt at elegance.

"Well, yeah—ooh, there's a bar." Mike made a beeline for the more muted, dimly lit room off of the main lobby. Harvey grabbed his shoulder and steered Mike toward the main desk to check in, throwing him a little off balance as the overnight bag on his shoulder swayed violently.

"Later," he said, trusting that Mike would follow him as he checked them in and headed for the elevator.

Harvey sipped his drink, propped on the hardwood bar, and wondered why the hell he'd thought that this was a good idea. Mike was standing to his left, in an animated conversation with the bartender, leaning over the bar with his ass sticking out in the air. Harvey was just nursing his drink since Mike was already slurring his words. He was only half-listening until he heard his name.

"And-and I think, I think that Harvey's boss wants us to sleep together."

"Is that so?" The bartender asked, her voice mild, amused.

"Yeah. That's so."

Harvey leaned down a little to get a better look at Mike's face. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Mike jumped, as if he'd forgotten that he was there. Slightly unfocused eyes turned to him.

"Yeah, Yeah. Jessica. She wants me to jump your bones. Or you to jump or something about sleeping and sex."

"Uh-huh." Harvey said, wondering if Mike was just rambling nonsense or if he knew something important that he didn't.

"So. So." He straightened up, ignoring the now-grinning bartender as he bumped into Harvey's shoulder. "D'you wanna?" He asked, brows impossibly high. The alcohol fumes emanating from him were nearly toxic, and Harvey wondered if he'd downed a few drinks when he wasn't looking.

When Harvey just gaped at him for a long minute, Mike grinned. "Thata yes?" He pulled Harvey into a half-hug, making him slide off the stool to keep from falling. Harvey extricated himself from clingy arms as he felt a sloppy kiss right below his ear.

"Okay, you've had enough," Harvey said, slapping down some money (He faintly wondered how big of a tip he'd left when the bartender called "have a good evening!" after him.) and steered a very unsteady Mike out of the bar. He was trying to ignore the way that his mouth had gone dry and his brain had shut down when Mike had...Oh, Hell.


"Lightweight," he muttered affectionately—no he was pissed off at Mike for getting drunk, not amused. 

"You're smart."

"I know," Harvey said distractedly, trying to keep Mike from tripping over his own feet.

"Also kind of a jerk," he said as Harvey jabbed the button and they waited for the elevator.

"I know," Harvey repeated, wondering how the hell Mike was that drunk already, flushed and grinning.

Mike leaned in again, lips almost touching his ear, breath hot, "I like it. S'hot."

"I-" Harvey realized what he'd said, "what?"

"Hmm?" Mike asked pleasantly, swaying a little, distracted by the ping of the elevator and the doors sliding open.

They stumbled into the elevator, and Harvey let Mike stand on his own for long enough to press the third floor button. He swayed precariously, but they made it to their room without mishap. Mike dropped onto his bed, face down, and was snoring before Harvey made his way to the shower.

He still hadn't moved when Harvey got out of the shower. He shook his head, tugged off the idiot's shoes, and tossed them to the floor.

Harvey woke up and kicked off his blanket. It was humid and hot as hell outside, but there was no reason that the A/C should be—he noticed an arm slung over his waist. How he missed that to begin with, he had no idea. The puff of breath against the back of his neck was even more noticeable, as was the sleepy murmur of words and faint brush of lips against his neck as Mike said something unintelligible in his sleep.

Harvey gave a world-weary, the things I have to put up with sigh and tried to get back to sleep. There was no way he would let Mike Ross run him out of his own bed.

After a few long minutes of discomfort over the fact that he didn't feel uncomfortable with Mike lying with him, chest-to-back close, arm still round him possessively, Harvey finally drifted to sleep. 

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