Chapter 4 (Revised)

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*beep beep beep*

*beep be--*

My hand crashes down on the black alarm clock. Groaning, I take the risk, opening my left eye to take a peek at the time. 

'5:45am.' in red block text shinning on my face,

"So freakin' early," whisper-yelling to myself. 

Suddenly I remember it's the last day of school, I fan my comforter away from my body and head to the bathroom. Turn on the hot water, soaking in the warmth. Grabbing my softest towel, and wrap it around my body.

Our little group and some others thought it might be fun to end the year lighting our homework and notes on fire in a huge bonfire. The pyromaniac in me is filled to the brim with joy.

Walking into my closet, picking out a blue cubs baseball shirt with red 3/4 sleeves, ripped shorts, my old white high top converse, and a dingy baseball cap.

By the time I walk into the front doors of the school it's only 7am, thirty minutes till class starts. You can't really call it class when all you do is sit around signing yearbooks.

I her someone whisper "Sadie," turning around I see Mike, Nicole, and Lindsay on the other side of the lobby a handful of people separating us.

Mike with his mouth wide open slams a dollar bill onto Lindsay's palm, he stomps over.

"I told you," Lindsay states, a smug grin pulling at her lips

"How did you freaking hear her?!" He rages,

Glancing over at Nicole, she has a smile and gives a simple wave.

"She has sonic hearing, and you said you didn't believe me!" Lindsay adds with a roll of her eyes,

"Well good morning, Nicole." I say completely ignoring the two bickering,

"Hey," She replies, trying to make the other two irritated since we're completely disregarding them.

"You coming to the beach?" I continue the conversation, of course she is, Mike and Lindsay are both a little irked and butt in trying to break  the lack of attention.

Laughing, I head to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast, feeling them walk in step with me.

The day was over before I knew it, and we were all piling into my little blue ford fusion. Blasting whatever Lindsay deemed fit, her in the passenger seat. Mike and Nicole sitting in the back, shoving stacks of Pringles in their mouths. 

Pulling up to the lake, we see a couple of people already setting up the bone fire. Piles of notes and homework scattered on the stack. Music blaring from a car a few yards away.

Linds bolts out of the car, her clothes making a path to the lake. Before anyone was completely on the sand she was already soaked.

"IT'S SO WARM!! Jump in!" She screams over the music, deciding to join her and stay out of the love fest of Michael and Nicole.

Running over, placing my clothes in a neat pile, jumping into the water, the water rushing all over me.

"It is not as warm as you made it seem!" I gasp, splashing water at her,

Her laugh, loud and exuberant.

Eventually Nicole joins us, while Mike goes and grabs a can of beer talking to some of the guys he's on the football team with.

"Hi." Nicole says, wading in the water next to me. Smiling, I reply with a hey.

"I haven't really gotten to know you the way I've gotten to know Lindsay," She states, 

"Yeah, I'm sure that'll change though. Since summer and all," I babble out, realizing that sentence made no sense.

Nicole gives a dazzling smile, my heart felt like it froze for a minute. Giving her what probably looked like a lopsided smile.

"How many siblings do you have?" She asks, 

"One, my brother Stephen." She nods, clearly knowing him. 

I'm not a complete introvert, just don't make an extreme effort to make friends with everyone in every grade.

"You?" I ask,

"Same, it's just Alejandro and I." Nicole adds,

Continuing asking questions to get to know each other, we end up pruney and full of knowledge of the other person.

My mind starts to take an interest in Nicole, I'm not completely sure what type of interest. I just know her company makes me beam, and her smile makes me giddy.

Looking over at her, she's already looking at me. Her cheeks turn a slight shade of red.

"You have sand on your forehead." She steps up, slightly getting on her tip toes. Her thumb erasing the smudge on my brow.

Our eyes lock for a moment, it seems like the cliche moment where its only the two of us in a spotlight with no one else in sight.

For a split second, my mind tells me "Kiss her." I push the thought away,

"Thanks." I say stepping back, gaining some space between us.

She clears her throat, "No problem," 

The stars take over the sun, forcing the breeze, grabbing my jacket from the car.

When I join everyone else, people are in their own groups having different conversations. I decide on a guy named Casey I had some classes with, he's sitting with his guitar picking a few chords. 

Recognizing the song, before I can stop myself, I'm softly singing the words between he and I. 

Looking over, he smiles and nods for me to continue.

So take my hand

Take my whole life too

For I can't help

Falling in love 

With you

I catch a glimpse of something moving, my eyes focusing, and there's a small crowd of people standing around us.

"Uh, hi." I awkwardly stand, wiping the sand off of my legs.

A girl I recognized from my English class clears her throat, 

"You can really sing." she admonishes,

"Oh, it's nothing. Casey is the real talent." Trying to get the attention off of me, yet again the girl chirps 

"You two should start a band!" earning her a spread of murmurs of agreement.

"She's right Sadie! It could be fun!" Casey says, a smile spread on his face.

I've always liked music, it's always been a get away. Also seeing as I have no other way out of this situation, I agree.

Looking up, seeing Nicole, with sudden confidence and playfulness, I wink at her.


Hey guys!

I'm revising Almost Forever, I apologize I'm moving so slowly!

Tell me how you like the edited chapters!

Thank you!



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