Chapter 8 (Revised)

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3rd person POV

The smell of coffee and bacon wafts through the air. Her stomach rumbles waking her up, a small shift in the room grabs her attention. With a second rumble, her eyes flutter open. She catches a glimpse of Sadie walking to her closet, the need to bore her eyes and drink in every beautiful feature she had to offer was immense.

Before she could look away, Sadie was grasping the hem of her shirt and bringing it over her head. Nicole's eyes greedily take in the smooth of her back.

Her thoughts swept from her mind as her stomach rumbles yet again. Earning a glance from Sadie, she pulls a dingy Harley Davidson shirt over her shoulders.

"Hey, morning!" Sadie sputtered out, her cheeks turning a soft pink.

"Sorry," she clears her throat "hungry? I made breakfast." She smiles, nervousness coats her soft smile.

Nicole's heart couldn't help but melt, she nods not wanting to kill Sadie with her morning breath.

"Cool, uh, you can wear whatever of mine. I'll be," she points towards the door back tracking out of it

"downstairs." She runs into the doorframe.

"Oops, sorry!" She touches the frame, closes her eyes seemingly embarrassed.

Sadie shakes her head and turns to the kitchen.

Her eyebrows raised and an amused smile adorned on Nicole's lips. Standing up, she walks over to her friends closet. Looking for something to wear, she soon realizes she's alot shorter than Sadie. So all of her clothes won't fit right.

Sighing, she pulls the yellow and white tie dye shirt Sadie wore when they first met on, keeping her own shorts on.

After taking a pit stop in the bathroom, fixing the rats nest she called her hair. She was walking into the kitchen, spotting Sadie flip a pancake almost expertly.

Nicole's mind was a whirlwind of feelings, feelings she was beginning to realize were for Sadie. She was unsure what that meant, 'Did I want to be more than friends?' 'Does she even see me the same way, no way'

Her thoughts were interupted by someone clearing their throat. Her eyes focusing once again on Sadie, to searching the room. They stop on Lindsay, who seems to having a knowing look.

"Morning." She chirps, sipping from a mug.

"Hey," Nicole mumbles, clearly caught in the act.

She walks over to the seat open next to Lindsay across the counter from Sadie, who gives her a smile and refocuses on making the delicious disks.

"Smells good." She states, hopefully changing the subject.

"Scrambled or over easy?" Lindsay says, with a plate in her hand full of eggs.

They eat their breakfast over talk of a party Sadie's parents always threw for the 4th of July, Lindsay was excited to eat all the food Sadie's dad would be grilling. Nicole was just excited to spend more time with Sadie.

"Do you need a ride to your house, for a change of clothes or anything?" Sadie says grabbing her sunglasses, ready to stop at Lindsay's house,

"Yeah, that'd be great!" Nicole said walking towards her, she couldn't help but put her hand in Sadie's.

The tingle of energy running through her hand gave her a spike of energy.

Walking to the car, she releases Sadie's hand to reach for the backseat door. Only to feel it being smacked away by Lindsay.

"Get in the front!" She whispers yells to Nicole,

Before she knew it they were pulling up to Lindsay's house,

"I'll be right back!" Lindsay says closing the car door running into the house.

Nicole got the feeling that Lindsay was forcing her and Sadie to talk.

"Breakfast was good this morning!" She blabbed trying to play it cool. Clearly failing.

"Thanks, wanna go for a walk? There's a park down the street. She's going to take forever." Sadie says calmly,

"Sure," Nicole smiled her nerves alleviate.

They both step out of the car, walking side by side.

"I still don't know as much about you as Mike or Lindsay" Nicole says, trying to get some more information on Sadie

In return she gives a smile,

"What do you want to know?" She asks giving Nicole the green light

"Who was that guy from yesterday?" She asks cautiously,

Sadie's features were thoughtful,

"That was Nate, we dated. He moved, long distance wasn't an option. He wanted to talk," concern covering her face,

"It wasn't anything serious." She adds to ease the worry on Nicole's face

Nicole nods taking in the information, looking up she sees a cute park. No one around,

"Let's go down the slide!" Changing the subject to something lighter

They go down the slides, chase each other, Nicole pushes Sadie on the swing.

Finding some shade under a tree, they sit asking more questions.

This wasn't just the way friends were, this was something deeper. Neither of them knew what, but they wanted to see what could happen.

Nicole catches Sadie's eye, and the depth she saw clarified everything.

She did have feelings for her, and they were like nothing she's ever felt.

"You alright?" Sadie asks, concern coating her tan face

Nicole smiles, the surge of adrenaline pushed her to admit her feelings. Maybe they weren't one sided, before she could stop herself the words flew out.

"Kiss me." She whispered, eyes of ember and aegean entrancing her own. She smiled shyly, her cheeks turning a soft pink.

"Are you sure?" Sadie asked cautiously taking in the moment.


Smiling, she moved closer, ignoring the churning of her own nervous stomach.

Sadie couldn't help but embrace this moment. She never would have thought someone like Nicole would ever think about her that way.

Resting a shakey hand on the girl's neck, cradling her head. She leaned into her grasp, every thought escaping their minds.

It wasn't like in a movie, where there were fireworks or butterflies. Kissing her felt like being safe after searching for shelter in the midst of a storm. It was calm.

Pulling away from each other wasn't a thought, but the vibration of Sadie's phone told her otherwise.

"Where are you guys? I'm ready!!!" Lindsay announces to the two, overly excited.

They both lost grasp, and completely forgot about the barbeque.

"Right! Sorry, we're on our way!" Sadie says helping Nicole up from the ground,

Together they walked hand in hand. Not wanting to burst the bubble of what happened, they both stayed quiet.

Each a smile traced on their lips.

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