Bragging, Twerking, Socks, and Hashtags

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Gosh my back hurts like a mother.

 Anyways hi and thank you for tuning in on the first rant I will ever create. This is a special occasion okay. 

Ugh it's getting late and I need something to drink. Water. No undersage drinking around here alright kids? Got it? Good. 

So the first ever rant I make will be about something I hate a lot: certain students in my own grade. 

Why is it that you think everyone cares about what you're saying?? Why are you always going on and on about yourself? Are you so self-obsorbed that the only topic you seem to be able to talk about is youself? 

Sorry to burst your delusional little bubble, but not everyone cares about how great of a high score you got on flappy bird. Especially not when you take a crap on their ego by laughing at their face when you hear their high score.

Am I bitter? Yes I'm bitter okay. But honestly, my excuse is that I never even downloaded the app. How can you expect me to improve my skills when I only played it 23 times? Yeah why compare it to someone who's played it over 500 times? 

*mutters*  Dickweed.

Also, why are you twerking? Why?? I don't want to see that ever again. No. Get it out of my face please. Yes thank you. 

That was a lie. I'm not thankful at all. Next time, please don't twerk when I'm in a 200 foot radius. Or you know, don't twerk at all. Or else I'm gonna go ballistic. Let's not have me reach that level of insanity. I've been there before and it wasn't pretty. There was gross glitter shit and glue everywhere. Don't ask because I'm still not exactly sure either. 

Now this goes out directly to the jocks: why are you wearing socks and sandals all of a sudden? Please stop. I don't know why it's only you guys who are doing it, but it's still not cool. It was never cool, so don't think you're gonna be the first to make it into a "hot new fashion trend". 

I'm sorry to break this news to you. The truth hurts I get that.

And lastly, I have just a few more words to say. 

Dear a few of my history classmates,

If I hear "hashtag-hashtag" one more time from you in class....

Oh sorry I got distracted because I was imagining myself duct taping your face just so I wouldn't have to hear more words come out of the dumpster that you call a mouth. Seriously I heard you guys discuss the difference between the words pessimist and pessimistic on Friday for ten minutes. I am this close to turning around in my chair and wringing your neck in the most polite way possible. Because I'm a nice person. 

Did that turn too violent too quick? I'm too tired to care right now. Oh well. That's a wrap on day one of rants with Jeanie I guess.

By the way, mother crotcher is possibly the best thing I said today.

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