this could go hand in hand with the society rant i guess.
Anyways, this rant shall be about: skinnyshaming, fatshamming whatever really.
DISCLAIMER: eating disorders are a mental thing, those who have it can't help it. Here I am only talking about people who are changing themselves because of what others say about them, and not eating disorders so just in case people get confused.
Making people feel bad is horrible. Sometimes people are easy targets, and honestly the place to hurt them the most is commenting on their appearance negatively. So maybe in fashion shows, tv shows, movies, the media in general has people who are just "skinny." That doesn't mean its wrong to weigh a bit more than what is deemed normal in the world of celebraties. In fact, it might be more healthy for you to not be that thin. It all really depends for you. Just as long as you are comfortable with yourself.
Ok first off to girls who are starving themselves to look good for people. This isn't healthy guys. It's better to eat more but just take into consideration of what youre eating really. Also, if youre trying to impress people with how you look, those people don't really matter. Especally if youre doing it to be popular or something. Thats not worth it. Really.
Next up, just because you are one of those curvier girls, that doesn't mean you can go around making smaller girls feel bad. Either there was someone who said something mean to you beforeor youre just freaking raised up in the jungle that you might've felt the need to say those mean things.
Some girls want to actually gain ten pounds. I didn't raise my hand here. No I didn't.
WHY DO WE HAVE TO MAKE OTHERS FEEL TERRIBLE?? Why cant we just focus on the better and brighter things? Like making someone feel good about themselves? I guess thats not possible, Because every five minutes, I hear people gossiping and talking trash about others.
Don't try to put yourself into a category because you are your own unique person okay? We should just use the word "healthy" or "fit" or "happy" even.
If you want to lose or gain weight, go ahead! There should be no one else you're thinking for except yourself. It's your choice in this. As long as your life is not threatened because of your weight, then don't even worry about.
I know it's hard as hell not
to, but just try. Or rather, don't try, don't care.Hakuna Matata ladies and gentlemen. It means no worries, for the rest of your days.
This rant is scattered as hell. Or at least my brain is at the moment. I feel like I can't even get my entire point across because it's a difficult topic to talk about. Not that hard understanding though. Shouldn't be hard to understand that everyone is different. Deuces.