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Ash helped. To come out of this mess. But also taught me to live with the ache in my heart. to smile while crying inside and to stand strong in the worst storms. I closed my phone after watching his picture. A new picture with my best friend and caption saying 'my girl.'. saying it didn't effect would be a lie. but saying I want to die after seeing it would be a lie too. I still felt like holding a knife against my wrist every night. Nights were the worst part of the day. They reminded me of the day he dumped. Reminded me of the good time we shared. Reminded me of the nights we shared. Thinking about all those days and time made my heart clench and brought tears in my eyes. I shook my head and after getting out of my  clothes stood under the running water. My eyes immediately went to the scars on my arms. There wasn't one but several small scars. They were almost gone but the memories weren't.

"Amy breakfast is ready." Ashton's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I completed my shower quickly.


"mom called." ash said and I exhaled. Not again, I thought. "she wanted you to visit." he said and my mood immediately changed.

"you know it right? I don't want to go there. ever again!." I said and stood up. I was about to walk away but ash took hold of my wrist and stopped me.

"When will you get over him? its almost a year now amyy!  a fucking year!." he yelled and give me a shake. "why do you care? obviously he doesn't and neither does that sarah! your so called best friend." he spat and pushed me in the chair behind me.

"ash it's not  her fault. so please don't drag her in all this!." I said and looked away.

"I don't want to hear all of this, okay?. All i want to say is you know mom can't travel. the doctors says her condition is not so good. I just don't want you to regret later." he said and all I could do was look. "Think about it. who's more important. your friend and ex lover or your mom." he said and left. Leaving me to think and drown myself in pain.


After thinking for hours and telling myself that everything will be fine I booked the next flight and packed my clothes and was now sitting in the plane staring at nothing to be exact.


I sighed and opened the door of my parent's house. Everything was exactly same. Same walls, same furniture and same everything. But than it's just been a year.

why does it feel like eternity then , a voice whispered inside me. I shook my head and walked further inside. there my mom was. Sitting on the sofa. Perfectly fine and ordering people. "Mom?" the question came out on it's own. she looked up and her face brightened immediately. "amelia! ahh finally my daughter is here." she said and in a second she was right in front of me.

"I thought you were sick?." I asked she instead of replying hugged me.

"Yes I was and still am. but thankfully my reports came and the doctor says everything is fine and there's nothing serious." I was happy that she wasn't sick but this was a sick joke!

"what you're trying to say is everything you told ash was a fake news?." I asked and my voice raised unintentionally and so did my anger.

"Amelia! I was sick! you should be happy that I am fine now." she scolded me and i couldn't take it right now so all I did was took my luggage and ordered a cab. "What are you doing? where are you going." she started her inquiries and i just stopped her with my hand. "Mom can we do this tomorrow? I seriously need to leave now!." I said and and left. the cab arrived soon thankfully and told him the address to my home.


coming back inside brought back all the memories with it. just the name of this town brought that heart wrenching feeling back. even breathing inside this house was hard for me. I took a deep breath and walked inside. Dragging my luggage with me.

"Tell me your password I said." He demanded and I ignored his voice and kept doing the dishes. "Stop acting like a possessive boyfriend." I said and suddenly he was behind me. I dried my hand and turned around. He was there staring at me and pointing towards my phone with his eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you tell me yours first?." I said and walked past him. "Amelia." He said and I turned around.

"What?." I asked leaning against the counter. "That's my password." He said and I couldn't believe him. I chuckled and shook my head. "What?, tell me yours now." He said and all I could do was stare at his beautiful face and determined expressions.


I shook my head and took out the sleeping pills from my bag and after taking them I went to sleep.


Chapter 2 is up people. Hope you guys like it
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