A Cold

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"Otabek.. I have something to tell you... I'm pregnant."

Yuri had his cat in his hoodie and walked out to the kitchen to show Otabek. Otabek was heating up chicken soup on the stove for Yuri and turned to face the boy.

He smiled and shook his head.

"You really should be resting. You're going to get even more sick," Otabek said as he put the spoon down.

"If you get even more sick, your grandpa is going to kill me."

He had come to visit Yuri for the weekend to go to a concert, but due to Yuri's cold, they wouldn't be able to go together. Despite this, he came to take care of his friend and keep him company. Although, now he had the task of getting the boy to stay in bed and eat something as Grandpa Plisetsky went to get the medicine.

The cat popped it's head out from the neck of the hoodie and Yuri snuggled his face next to it. He averted his eyes to ground and wiped his wet nose. He was tired of laying around all day and guilt weighed him down.

"..You didn't have to come, you know. You could have went without me."

Otabek walked over to him and petted both the cat and sick child.

"I came because I wouldn't have fun without you," he said with a caring look in his eyes.

Yuri looked at him, blushed, and dug his face into his cat again.

Otabek took off the backpack from his shoulder and dangled it in front of Yuri. The cat retched out a paw and scratched at it. Yuri peered at it with curiosity.

"I want to have fun with you, and I know you want to have fun, too. So I brought cool stuff that I will only show to you if you get back to bed and eat the soup."

Yuri wanted to throw a fit and curse at him, but he was tired and believed that Otabek only wanted the best for him. Plus, he really wanted to see what Otabek brought.

"Okay," he mumbled and slowly slumped off to his room.

Otabek went back to the kitchen, relieved at the lack of  resistance, and turned off the stove. He poured some soup in a bowl, grabbed the heat pads, and flung the backpack over his shoulder. Whistling his way down the hall, he put the pads on his head and opened the door to Yuri's room.

"Coming in."

Yuri lay on his back on the bed wrapped up in his blankets like a burrito. The room was hot and there was a number of blankets, clothes, and tissues laying in the ground. Otabek carefully made his way to the bed and sat next to Yuri, putting the bowl of soup on the nightstand.

"It's a bit messy.. I was gonna clean but, you know.." Yuri sniffled and tilted his head to look at him.

Otabek nodded, grabbed the pads from his head, and placed them on Yuri's forehead. Yuri reached his little hands out and took the other pad before he wiggled his hands back into the blanket.

"How are you gonna eat your soup if your hands are in there?" Otabek questioned as he took the bowl and put it in his lap.

"Ugh.. It's my hands are cold. Hmm, feed me," Yuri answered and open his mouth with an "ahh".

Otabek shrugged and laughed. He took the spoon and blew at the soup, then brought it down into Yuri's mouth.

"Fank oo," Yuri with soup still in his mouth.

Otabek took the edge of his shirt and wiped off the soup that had dropped from the edge of Yuri's mouth. The feeding continued until Yuri refused to eat any more.

"You only ate, like, a third of it, Yura. What a waste.. Well, guess I'll just eat the rest," Otabek said and gulped the rest of the soup down.

"Your gonna get sick, dummy Beka."

Yuri prodded himself up against the wall and stared at the backpack.

".. Show me the goods. I did what you wanted and now I wanna see the goods."

Again, Yuri reached his hands out and made grabbing gestures toward the bag. Otabek wiped his mouth and placed the bowl down again. He grabbed the backpack and opened it slowly.

"I got the goods."

He pulled out a DVD, playing cards, laser pointer, and chocolate. Yuri looked at the things in disbelief.

"Well.. These are okay, I guess.."

"I'm not really sure what friends do, so I wasn't sure what to bring.."

"It's a start. Well, we could just watch the movie. What movie did you bring?"

Otabek picked it up and examined it.

"Grease. I heard Leo mention it, so I picked it up when I was in America. Never got to watching it, though."

He got up and walked across the room to the TV. The cat was on the DVD box and meowed at him. He placed the movie in and turned the TV on. It began to play and Yuri watched with some interest.

"This looks old," he mumbled.

Otabek went around the room, folding blankets and clothes and throwing away the garbage. When he finished, he returned to Yuri's side and sat next to him. Yuri put his tired head on Otabek's shoulder.

The movie continued and Yuri was intrigued, especially by the T Birds.

"Wah~, they are so cool. Why doesn't Danny just ditch Sandy and hang out with them? They are way cooler."

It was the end and the night had set in. When Sandy came on screen with her new style, Yuri snapped from his tired state and sat up.

"Woah! She-- she!! She went from, like, Agpe to Eros!"

His eyes shown brightly with inspiration and Otabek was happy to see him this way.

The credits rolled and Yuri laid back again. He hummed "You're the One that I want" and began to doze off to sleep.

"That was nice, Beka. Thanks for staying with me," Yuri murmured with his eyes closed.

Otabek nodded and patted the child. He slowly rose, tucked the blankets around Yuri's body, changed the pad on his head, and grabbed his things. He left a note that said Yuri could keep the movie since he liked it so much.

Grandpa Plitsetsky arrived when Otabek was about to leave and offered Otabek to stay.

"Thank you, but I am alright. May I come back tomorrow, sir?"

"Yes, yes. Thank you, son. Yuri has been very lonely and he looked so forward to your visit. Let me pay you for your helpfulness."

"No, I enjoyed being with Yuri. Thank you for your offer, but I will pass," Otabek said with a head shake.

"Ah, alright. You must be on your way then. Remember, you are welcome here anytime."

Otabek nodded and shook his hand before getting in his motorcycle. He drove off with thoughts of what tomorrow would bring.

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