New Bestfriend

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"JJ? ..What the fuck are you doing here?" Yuri growled when he opened the door to see the 19 year old.

JJ stood at the doorway with a huge grin on his face and bent down to look Yuri in the face.

"Hello, Yuri! It's been a while, hasn't it?" He patted the blonde head and walked into the Plisetsky household, handing Yuri his jacket as he did so. Yuri just threw it on the ground.

"I never thought I would be in your house, but it sure is lovely. Very home-y," JJ said as he plopped down into a chair at the dining table. The house was two stories, but still felt quite small. The small kitchen was connected to the living room and the dining table was somewhat squished in a corner near a big glass window. A caramel-scented candle filled the room with a pleasant smell, and the bitter wind outside was easily forgotten when he stepped into the warmth of the home.

"Why are you here, Jean Jackass Leroy?" Yuri questioned again with his arms crossed. He was still in his oversized pajamas and had his hair messily tied up, but tried to seem as intimidating as possible.

JJ smirked. "I was invited by your grandpa, silly."

Yuri gasped and grew red. "He would never invite the likes of you into this house!"

"Well, maybe the only reason he invited me was because he thought I was Otabek. We bumped into each other in the grocery store and he immediately greeted me and invited me for dinner. I explained to him who I actually was, but he still insisted that I come! Can you believe it? Well, he just kept saying, 'Yuri likes you, too, I'm sure. He will be glad to have a friend over!'" JJ stuck out his chest and recited the words with enthusiasm.

"Well, I'm here, but you don't seem very happy, do you? We'll just have to change that~," he continued and winked at Yuri.

Yuri shivered and was about to remind JJ how he would never like him, but his phone rang. He answered and it was his grandpa.

"Hey, grandpa. Where are you? JJ is here."

"Oh, dear, he's already there? Well, tell him that he can go home today if he wants.. There has been an accident, so the traffic just got worse! I won't be home for dinner.."

"Oh, okay.. Wait, what do I eat? You know I can't cook without almost lighting the house on fire."

"There's some money near the bowl of fruit on the dining table. Take it and go wherever you want. Oh, invite your friend with you! Then, he wouldn't have wasted his time coming." Yuri could practically hear the smile in his voice. He just wanted to make his grandson happy.

Yuri groaned and turned to JJ with a glare. JJ was simply staring at the ceiling and whistling.

"..Okay, Grandpa. Bye, I love you." He hung up, stuffed the phone into his pocket, and walked to the dining table where JJ sat and grabbed the money. It was enough to get some cheap fast food. He looked up and stared JJ in the eye. His smug face was so punchable, but Yuri wanted his Grandpa to be happy.

"Grandpa can't come.."

"Oh, what a shame!! Well, as long as I'm with Yuri-chan, I will live~," he said dramatically.

"Shut up. We're going to Burger King," Yuri mumbled and kicked him in the shin, causing JJ to wince but continue smiling.

"Ah, okay, okay! Sounds fun!"

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