Getting a Job

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"Here's the first job, Potter."

Shacklebolt slams a big pile of papers on Harry's desk. He looks taken aback.

"That's a lot, Kingsley," he says.

"I know, Harry," Shacklebolt answers. "But this is a complicated matter." He leans over Harry's desk. "Notoriously complicated," he says. "We need you for this one."

Harry looked at the enormous paperwork. "I can't do this alone, can I?"

Shacklebolt's eyes glinster. He shows a slight smile. "Can you?" he answers.

Harry was confused. Shacklebolt noticed. He started to walk in Harry's office.

"Assigning you, as the head of the Auror Office. on this special mission says a lot about the alarming phase of the situation," Kingsley says. "The International Confederation of Wizards especially asked for you to solve this issue."

"I've told you this numerous times Kingsley, I'm not that good at magic," Harry replies.

Shacklebolt, facing the wall, turns his head in Harry's direction. "I didn't say you have to do this all by yourself."


"I can't let the Minister of Transylvania just abuse his staff for his own agenda, and neither can I just step off the case of those two dorks in Edmonthorpe. Oh, and what about S.P.E.W. then?"

Hermione Granger's head seemed to burst any moment. Harry had asked her to join his special unit half an hour ago and she was rambling ever since about how she couldn't 'just join your unit as if I'm going on a casual night stroll'. Harry had tried to talk to her again and again, but Hermione was either to preoccupied and angsty with what she wouldn't be able to do than seriously considering the offer Harry made. Eventually, he asked Hermione to at least think about the offer he made her. He didn't know if Hermione heard it, since she only mumbled something inaudibly after Harry's words. Harry took it as that he was dismissed from Hermione's office and left.

Ron was was waiting outside Hermione's office. Harry came outside and looked a bit grim. Ron started smiling. "She's not fastly convinced," he said with a smirk. "I noticed," Harry replied.

Together, they walked to the elevator. While clicking the button, Harry looked at Ron. "The offer's okay, you know."

"It's not really an offer mate," Ron replied.

"I can't sell it to Hermione as something she needs to do."

A lift arrived and they stepped in. It was empty but the two best friends.

"But I can't do it without her," Harry continued. "She's important. She needs to be involved."

Ron sighed. "Mate, you know, after our adventures in the past.. she has her career established now. She's doing superbly. In a few years she's taking over Kingsley's place. Several bets are being placed on that in the Ministry." He laughed. "Can you believe that?"

"Honestly, yes," Harry added. He smirked. "But some fresh air will also do hear good."

"Hear, hear!" Ron chuckled.

After they had visited Harry's office and cackled about irrelevant stuff, Harry decided that it was time to go home. "Please remind Hermione to think about it," he spoke to Ron. "Do it subtle please, though," he added. "I will," Ron said. "Good luck convincing Ginny." Harry sighed. "Thanks." He dropped the floo powder in the herd and disappeared.

The lightburst didn't seem to interest Ginny. Harry walked out of the herd. She was sitting at the table, reading a magazine while stirring the cauldron of soup with her wand on a distance. "Hey Harry," she said, looking at the magazine.

"Reading The Alternative Seeker again?" Harry said. "You know they only deliver unbiased critique."

"I do," Ginny answered. "But this time, I sent in a letter, and they've responded." She showed a page. Ginny was pictured on the ground, unconsciously. She received all the praise. but can give no critique said the bold letters above the image. Ginny looked calmly amused. "The bloody mufters even had the courage to picture my injury from last August. No talk about any of the prizes I won since then, only cheering that I sent them a letter. A negative letter."

"What you see is what you get," said Harry. He had put his suitcase on the table and sat beside her. Ginny looked at her. "Is something wrong?"

"Eh," Harry stumbled. Ginny stared suspiciously in his eyes. "Potter..?"

"It's not really important anyway," Harry suddenly spoke. "I'll-" he stood up, but was held back by Ginny.

"No, I want to know what you want to say," Ginny firmly said.

Harry sat back in the kitchen chair. He looked Ginny in the eyes. "I just don't think you'll like this," he said.

"Stil.." Ginny replied.

"You've heard the case about the Peruvian plant? The Olvidaro?"

"Yes.. it's all over the Daily Prophet."

"Kingsley wants us to solve the problem."

"Us?" Ginny replied. "Who's us? You and me? What are we, some sort of immortal power couple?"

"Not yet," Harry added. Ginny shot him the please-be-serious look. "But no, not us," he continued. '"You, Ron, Hermione and me."

"Why not others?" Ginny answered. "Neville's perfectly competent in combat. "He knows a good bit about plants, too."

"I've asked that Kingsley too - but Neville's knowledge about plants is apparently far more worth than sending him there and risking him."

"Well, good thing Kingsley chose us so that the ones that want to kill of us have some fresh meat," Ginny remarked.

"Don't be silly," Harry replied. "The case's complex but not undoable. At least, if Hermione accepts my invitation in this unit."

"How can one turn down this invitation?" Ginny sarcastically asked.

"You can't," Harry replied.

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