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"Good morning, Theresa." Harry's voice echoed through the hall of the Ministry of Magic. There was no one there yet but him, so it seemed.

"You're early, Harry," the receptionist replied.

"I know, but I'm not the only one. Where is she?"

"In her office, as usual," Theresa answered.

It came as no surprise to Harry that Theresa knew who he was inquiring about without even saying her name. It was, naturally, Hermione. She was always early at the Ministry, as she was busy with everything-and-what-not from early on until quite late. Though, he had never heard Ron complain about Hermione's work ethic.

While passing the receptionist and taking the elevator to Hermione's office, Harry ran his mind over the options of how to persuade her into joining his special unit again. It had been a few days since he had finally managed to recruit Ginny; she wasn't particularly interested at first, but then conceded and said yes. Harry was happy about that, but was not sure whether it was because she particularly wanted or that she was just bored; the Quidditch season had ended a week ago, and now Ginny had two months off before the pre-season started.

Harry was shaken out of his line of thought by the sound of the elevator. Slowly he stepped out and walked on the granite floor towards Hermione's office. While being in front of her door, he attempted to knock on the door. Instead, the door was opened swiftly but narrowly.

"I heard you coming," said the voice on the other side of the door. Harry entered the Hermione's office. Hermione was sitting down, staring at papers.

"So, what's it what you want to ask?"

"I guess you can kinda guess it," Harry asked.

Hermione looked up. "Harry, I'm actually busy with all of this." She looked at her paperwork.

"Right," said Harry. He sat down in the chair opposite of her. "I'm asking you to join the special unit."

He shot Hermione a look. She stood up and walked towards a pinboard and put a note on the upper right corner.

"The one Kingsley asked you for?"

"Yes," Harry replied.

"Oh," said Hermione and she sat down. She looked at Harry. 'Yeah, I'll join."

Harry was startled. He stared at disbelief at Hermione. "You're joining?"

"Yes," said Hermione. "I spoke to Kingsley, he's carrying out a few of my tasks. I got the rest of my work done in the last few days."

Harry was very oddly struck. His first talk to convince Hermione had no success and now suddenly she complied - without asking any questions.

Hermione looked at Harry. "Is there something?"

She stared at Harry who, Hermione noticed, was still a bit awestruck about her quick promise. "It's just.. I didn't expect it to go this easy.." Harry responded. He showed a faint smile.

Hermione smiled too. "Well, it's been ten years or so since we've been on the road together - and it being summer and all, I just thought to take some time off."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing," Harry said. He looked at Hermione with big eyes.

"I know, right," Hermione answered. She blushed a bit. "You'd almost begin to think if I'm right in my mind. I just want to get a break from all the paperwork for a bit."

Harry looked her in the eyes. He raised an eyebrow. "What have you done to Hermione Granger?"


"And? How did he respond?"

"Well, very taken aback at first. Afterwards, he realised I was actually being serious."

"Jesus, I'd have loved to see his face," Ron said.

Hermione and Ron were standing in a corridor in the Ministry of Magic. They were waiting for Harry and Ginny, as they were going to see Shacklebolt.

"It was just one of those frowning faces," Hermione coldly replied. Ron smiled. Immediately, his expression turned a bit concerned.

"D'you know what the thing is we have to solve, right?" he said.

Hermione looked amused. "Yes, I do."

"So what is it?" Ron looked more anxious with the second.

"We're going to save the world," Hermione replied. She had serious difficulty to contain a straight face.

"We're going to space?"

Hermione burst out laughing. Ron was confused.

"Oi Hermione, be serious! I just want to know, Harry didn't say anything about it y-"

"I don't know it either, really," Hermione interrupted. "Kingsley didn't say much too - other than that it was really important. I'm sure he's not putting us in too much trouble."

Ron snorted. "I hope so," he said. "I want to get out there alive." He took Hermione's and and gave her a short kiss.

"You will," Hermione replied.

Ron let Hermione's hand loose. There were footsteps in the distance. They became increasingly louder.

Hermione and Ron looked to the left and saw Harry and Ginny approaching.

"Well, love birds," Ginny started. "Do you still have time for a top secret briefing from the number one official of the Ministry?"

"Stop it, Gin," said Ron. "We were just-"

Suddenly, the wall next to Ron and Hermione changed shape. Swiftly, a door solidified.

"Eh?" Ron said.

The door swung open. A woman looked around, found their faces and smiled. "Please come in. The Minister wants to see you all."

They followed the woman back inside. They walked through a short corridor with two rooms on each side. Harry glanced in them in what he thought was the secretary offices. They reached a big, wooden door.

"Through here," the woman said.

"Thanks," Harry replied.

The four entered Shacklebolt's office. It was a huge room with glass on both sides. The office contained several sofas, chairs and a dining table with a beautiful over the big hall of the Ministry. The office was here and there decorated with gold and had several paintings on the wall. Harry presumed that those were the previous Minister of Magics.

"Wow," said Ron.

"It's all a bit posh, to be honest," said a voice behind a marble statue. Shacklebolt came into view. "Welcome friends, sorry for the formal reception."

"I'm used to it." Hermione smiled.

"Please, sit down," said Shacklebolt as he gestured to the sofas. The four sat on the comfortable cushions.

"So, what's mission?" said Ron. It was clear that he found the situation exciting.

Shacklebolt looked at Harry. "I think it's best if you explain it to them."

Ron looked hopefully at Harry.

"We're going to Peru. We need to Obliviate certain people and protect a plant."

Hermione frowned her eyebrows. Ginny and Ron looked evenly confused - Harry noticed the hereditary trait.

"Why do we need to do this stuff?" Ron responded. "Doesn't Peru have obliviators themselves?"

"Certainly," answered Shacklebolt. He looked concerned. "But that doesn't solve the matter. You're all here on request of The International Confederation of Wizards. The matter in Peru is too big, too big to handle it for them."

Harry wanted to open his mouth to speak. Shacklebolt gestured him to stop.

"I think I have to take it from here," said Shacklebolt. "There's new information - and it doesn't make the matter easier."

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