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Here we are, sitting behind these screens of glass,

Reading lines of text, yet smiling, laughing and crying.

It's strange to think that I could have this much fun

Considering that I've never met you before, but then again

Perhaps that's the reason why I don't have to pretend.

Some people might tell me, that what we have is just a fantasy,

I doubt I'll have the chance to actually see you in this life-time.

But even so, in the time that we've spent together

Well, I feel as though I've connected with you, more than anyone else.

I feel as though I know you better, than those just a few feet away.

You might take this little confession as something silly,

Maybe you'll even forget about it as time passes,

But I for one could never forget about someone like you,

And so I'd like to dedicate this piece, to the beautiful you.

InkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon