Chapter 3: Do You Recall?

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After escaping the crime scene created by one Joseph Joestar, a thief, an archaeologist, and a Brit arrived at a less populated part of town, two of the three hoping for some sort of explanation for the day's events. The brunette man in question ended up leaning against a support beam for the bridge overhead, his arms crossed in front of him. The darker-skinned teenager took a seat next to him on the pillar's concrete base. The young archaeologist had remained standing, placing one hand in her pants pockets and using the other to adjust her short golden strands to look somewhat presentable; transporting between worlds, being knocked over several times, and fleeing a crime scene did not help her already tousled hair. For a few tense moments the odd trio did nothing but sit and stare at each other. Shifting eyes waiting for someone, anyone to speak.

"I owe you big time, mister," The shortest of the group pointedly voiced towards his savior, breaking the silence. "My name's Smokey, What's yours?" he continued, gesturing towards himself.

His addressee stood up straight for a moment, sliding his feet out into an action hero pose, "Joestar, Joseph Joestar." He declared, an air of coolness wafting about him leaving the blonde to wonder why he hadn't been so showy when introducing himself to her. "You can call me, Jojo" after giving Smokey time to bask in all that was Joseph Joestar, the older male jerked a thumb in Sharena's direction, "She's Sharena Perry, she's a native New Yorkian like you are."

The blonde nodded in polite greeting.

"Huh, never seen you around, and I have been all over this city." Smokey noted, an inquisitive look in his eyes. "On a change of subject, Jojo, you must tell me how you shot the bottle cap at that cop!"

The green-eyed man shrugged, "I have no idea, but apparently my gramps could do it when he was my age." He stated, catching notice of the way the female perked up at his words, clearly intrigued by what he was saying, he had a feeling she knew something about hamon and had decided he would ask her about it in a more private setting.

"What about your parents? Can they do that stuff?" questioned Smokey.

"Both of them have been dead since before I can remember, but Uncle Speedwagon told me that he had no affinity for it whatsoever, so who knows." The way Joseph spoke so carelessly about not having parents left his audience even more confused, but they let it slide as they realized the sun would begin to set very soon. The tall brown-haired boy said something about having to meet his grandmother for dinner, and so Smokey suggested allowing him to show the way back to his hotel, to which he agreed. Sharena had decided to tag along, slightly panicked at the prospect of being in the middle of downtown New York City in the middle of the night, which brought up even more worries as to what she would do after her companions were gone and she had to face the fact that she was stuck in 1938 with no way home. Despite her fretting, she stalked behind Smokey and Joseph who were getting along well, discussing their family backgrounds and the like. Every once in awhile the red-coated male would steal looks back at his female companion, noticing how distraught he was and trying to figure out what her issue was. He leaned over to whisper something in the other teen's ear before shortening his long-legged strides as to fall into step with the blond girl; he lightly nudged her arm with his own. "You okay?" he grunted out, not entirely expecting a response.

"Honestly? No, no I'm not, but it is nothing to concern yourself with." She politely replied, giving him a clearly faked smile. His reply was nothing but a disbelieving snort.

"Don't be ridiculous, I can notice you've been off since I met you." He rubbed his chin as he spoke, as if contemplating her actions. The girl just grew frigid for a split second before looking away from his calculating-green gaze.

"Would you stop looking at me like that? It's like you trying to solve me like a rubix cube!"

"I have no clue what this 'rubix cube' is, but I'm only looking at you the way you did while I fought off those pigs earlier."

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