Chapter Fourteen

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Ravenpaw sat in his nest, they had just returned from swimming, it was now past noon, they had to stop swimming because the river was overfilling and was running too quickly. Ravenpaw wondered if anyone would be in the Dark Forest as he fell asleep. He blinked his eyes and opened them to- Wait where was he? He was in a clearing in a forest with trees with hazel trunks and blooming flower petals fell from the trees. He looked around and saw a dappled kit. What is a kit doing here and why am I here?

"Ravenpaw, it's not to late to turn back. I could train you too! You don't have to go to the Dark Forest, you don't need to turn against the clans. Ravenpaw, you'll fail, you'll be exiled. Even in the prophecy it says your sister will stop you! I could bring you here every night instead of that horrible Dark Forest, please, don't do this." Ravenpaw hissed and turned around, What prophecy? And I'm not taking orders from some kit! I should have killed her! Ravenpaw ran into the forest, slowly large dark trees formed around him until he was in the dark forest. Runs blankly, in thought,
"Hey watch where you're putting your paws!" Stops and sees Blackfeather,

"Wh-what? Oh, sorry." Blackfeather padded up to him,

"Ok, I'm showing you another Dark Forest apprentice," Blackfeather headed into the trees, "this way." Follows, slightly nervous with his head and tail high, Blackfeather looked back to him, "You seem happy... Why's that?" Ravenpaw stopped,
"No, um, I'm not. Well maybe a little, earlier today I put a rock in a squirrel that Rainpaw ate, I don't know if she lost a tooth but she got hurt," he smiled.
"Hmm, good job," Blackfeather said as they arrived in a clearing with a black cat with long fur and deep dark blue eyes, next to him was an orange tortoiseshell cat with amber eyes. Ravenpaw looked at the cats wondering who they are and what they were like. Blackfeather went up to the orange cat,

"What brings you here, Maplefang?"
The orange cat opened her mouth to speak but before Ravenpaw could hear what she said his dream was cut off. He opened his eyes,
"Oh, What now?" he muttered. His eyes widened at what he saw, the den was filling up with water! He looked at Owlpaw and Rainpaw they were sound asleep, he ran out of the den and jumped up to the ledge where the water wouldn't reach him. He looked down at the camp slowly filling up with water, he knew many cats would die and a smirk appeared on his face.

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