Chapted Three

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Ashkit looked down at his paws in his dream, they looked exactly the same, just bigger. Ashkit looked around, he was in a cave with moss along the floor and an opening in the den leading out to a garden type area, the den smelled like flowers and had a couple nests that seemed unused but two nests deeper into the cave that looked like they were well used.

A light brown cat padded into the den, she had a white belly and little white spots with a whiff muzzle. She looked like an old cat but not as old as Honeystar and definitely not as old as Tigertail.
Ashkit set his head down on his paws and acted like he was sleeping, he didn't know why he did that he just didn't want that cat to bother him. The cat padded over to him and set a plump vole next to him, his mouth watered, that was his favourite type of prey.

The cat went deeper into the den and Ashkit picked his head up. Only then did he notice a cat-like creature stalking him. It looked like it was a shadow with no creator, it didn't seem to be wanting to harm him now so he ignored it. Ashkit opened his mouth and moved his head towards the vole to eat, the creature ran towards him and Ashkit's fur spiked up. Now he noticed how hungry he was, he felt like he hadn't eaten in days. Ashkit bit into the vole and the creature made a horrifying sound like a mix of hissing and barking. It clawed at his stomach and pushed at him until he threw up.

The brown she-ca ran into the den,
"Still can't eat?" she sighed,
"Sadly not," Ashkit said, his voice seemed deeper and a bit different.
"Let's hope Rockstar hurries up then," she sighed and padded away.
Rockstar? That name sounded familiar, wasn't he a Cinderclan cat? Ashkit remembered some cats talking about him one time and something about when he was a kit so he must be in Cinderclan, and by his name he was probably a Cinderclan leader.
Ashkit laid his head down, he wanted to tell this cat about the creature but he didn't think she would understand,
"She'd probably think I'm crazy!" the voice that came out of his mouth said loudly in his head, "she'd probably tell Rockstar and then I wouldn't be deputy anymore!" Now Ashkit was really confused, he closed his eyes and fell into sleep, the only thing he could do with this little energy.
Ashkit opened his eyes again, he was still in the same dream. This time a gray bulky cat, with the same spots as him except they were gray, stood over him.
"You're finally awake!" The cat said. Ashkit noticed the brown she-cat was standing nearby and padding closer, she held a flower in her mouth,
"Rockstar brought you this, it better work though," she set the flower in front of him and he ate it. He heard a loud hissing sound, the creature ran towards him, its mouth was wide open with fangs showing and blood dripping down. Ashkit's fur spiked up and he watched as before the creature got to him it disappeared.
The gray cat smiled as the dream ended, going into another dream.
Ashkit sat in a cave, this cave was different than the one he had just been in, The brown cat from earlier sat next to him, this time he could be sure that he was definitely in his own body. The cave was illuminated by the moonlight and it had an eerie feeling coming from but it seemed nice, almost like Starclan.

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