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I start to regain my conscious from the blast and then realize I'm not at the bar anymore. I open my eyes to see Ollie as the first thing. I feel a massive pounding on my head, a concussion, not my first time either.

I lay my hand on my head and start to rise up but almost too fast. My body is sore and I groan in some pain. Ollie quickly comes to my aid and holds me guiding me up.

"Hey, take it easy." Ollie says as he helps me rise up slowly from the bed. I then see Ollie being the most heart warming he has ever been in his life since the island. I don't know him, but I know that when he came back from the island, he was never the same playboy millionaire that destroyed my family's life.

"What happened to me?" I ask and see the entire team, Diggle, Felicity, Thea and my father watching me. My father is in shock seeing me like this, I'm the last thing he's got here and I can't die on him.

"One of Darhk's men planted an explosive in the bar you were at." Ollie says breaking the news. "You got burnt but not as bad as the others. I'm thinking your meta human abilities helped you heal." Ollie says as he explains the big bandage wrap on my torso.

"He's still trying to take down Drake." Felicity says stating the obvious and I look at her and chuckle knowing that I will get my revenge on him. I will show him what I can do.

"Well he's doing a horrible job at it." I say being grumpy and arrogant. "What does Darhk want anyways with me? Besides dad's problem with him?" I say asking knowing that maybe he's trying to get rid of me since I'm a meta human.

"Maybe it's better if you stay low Drake." Diggle says and Oliver shakes his head.

"I'm fighting for Laurel, this is exactly what she would've wanted." I say making my point and Ollie stares at me confused.

"The fight is over for you." Ollie says and I raise an eyebrow confused at him. "You're endangering your life with Darhk-"

"-Ollie! I didn't come all the way from Central City to not fight for my sister." I yell at Ollie since he should know better.

"That is why you need to watch the streets for me." Ollie says giving me a different mission. "Darhk is powerful and with Darhk running around the city and the city being loose without Green Arrow, I think Star City needs a crime fighter. They need Black Canary." Ollie says and I smile lightly as he refers to me, everyone smiles down at me as they're proud to see me take on Laurel's mantle. I'm continuing something that has been with all my siblings.

"Let them hear the Black Damn Canary." I say and everyone chuckles as I do too.

"We'll give you some rest Drake, we'll be back for you tomorrow morning." Diggle says and I nod. Everyone leaves the room and Ollie walks out last and I watch him go.

"-Ollie." I gasp to grab his attention. Ollie turns around and sees me in the bed. "Can you stay here with me?" I ask him and he smiles. "Just until I fall asleep." Ollie chuckles and he shuts the door behind him and walks towards me.

Ollie pulls out a chair and sits down next to me and holds my hand. He presses my hand against his face and I stare at him.

"How do you live like this?" I ask him and he raises an eyebrow confused. "Why are you so lonely?" I ask him as I realize he's always been to push people away from his life.

"To protect the people I love." He says starring at me and shakes his head. "I failed Laurel. I let her into this life of misery and pain." He says beating himself about it like he does with everything. He takes every bad thing that has happened to him, and uses it against himself.

"It's not your fault." I tell him as I lay my hand on his jaw where his stubble grows. "Laurel died saving this city. She died to let you save this city. You're only failing her by not saving this city." I say being honest with him and he nods. "If there's something I've known from seeing people around me die is that not everything is your fault. Things just happen because they happen." I say and smile lightly. "Fate has a funny way doing things. Especially with Sara." I say and we both chuckle knowing that she's died several times.

"You Lance siblings are full of wisdom aren't you all?" Ollie says teasing me and I wink at him.

"Runs in the family. -Especially saving the world." I say and he smiles and checks his phone. "Did David survive the blast?" I ask him before he decides to leave me.

"Yes. He's fine. Better than you actually." Ollie says and I smile lightly. "How was the date anyways?" He asks me trying to be interested and I look over at him and shrug.

"I don't know." I say being honest. "How do you know they're into you." I say trying to make Ollie maybe confess that maybe he's into me. We almost had something in my apartment.

Ollie chuckles and plays with his fingers. "There's a lot of signs. Sometimes they're clearer than you think... But you shouldn't stress out about it." Ollie says and I smile. "Just relax and go to sleep." Ollie says and gets up from his chair to tuck me in and make comfortable.

Ollie rubs his hands on my shoulder and stares down at me. I stare back at him and he smiles lightly and comes close to me to lay a kiss on my forehead. The comfort of his kiss makes me drowsy and I get comfortable in the bed as I watch him go.

"Night Ollie." I say to him and he nods. He turns off the lights in my room and walks out from my room and he shuts the door behind him.

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