Chapter 3

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There was a kiss against my back as I woke. I sat up and rubbed my eyes backing up to the headboard and opening my eyes and connecting to the guy I've liked for years. I smiled down at him as he stared up at me. "Good morning beautiful." He said with a grin.

I blushed and reached out to touch his face. He leaned into my touch and I couldn't help but to break eye contact before I couldn't breathe. He kissed my cheek and rested his head on my chest.

"Play with my hair." He said. I smirked and began taking the black strands between my fingers and playing with them. It had been about 10 minutes before he sat up and had a look of guilt taking over his beautiful face. He looked into my eyes,"I'm sorry that I didn't really talk to you yesterday... you just.. you turned me on so fast, I don't think I could've lasted. I feel honestly terrible for not comforting you when you needed it and just fucked you right there. I mean, I don't regret doing it with you, I just feel ba-"

"Stop.." I frowned,"I loved it. I'm fine, I was fine and honestly, I don't think I would've lasted either Gerard. But you made me feel a lot less.. n-nervous around you yesterday." He smiled before taking my hand in his and holding it.

"I want you to know, I really do like you, and I would like to start something with you but give it some time, don't wanna rush." Gerard said. I grinned at him and looked down. I leaned into him as he wrapped an arm around me. "You hungry?" He asked me. I shook my head.

I had a thing with eating around Gerard. It made me extremely uncomfortable and I felt fat if I did.

"You should eat something you know." He said rubbing my shoulder.

"Not hungry."

He nodded his head and kissed behind my ear and tucked his head in my neck. "They all probably know.. we were louder than I thought." He said. I giggled softly,"And those hickeys." I blushed and finally looked at him and got captured in a kiss. "We should go out there." He whispered against my lips. I groaned and pulling him back down to kiss me again.

We all sat down at the table and all eyes were on us.

Everyone knew.

Gerard nudged my leg and smirked at me and I blushed while smiling. "So frank..." Brendon started. "Are you cool to stay the night again? Mikey didn't wanna ask you cause he didn't know.." his eyes flickered to Gerard's.

I looked over at Gerard and he nodded,"Yeah I gotta text my mom though." I said. Everyone muttered out 'okays' and I felt Gerard's hand slowly interlock with mine under the table.

Mikey coughed and caught my attention, he winked at me and began talking,"So Gerard, when do you get back to school?" Gerard's face turned red as he realized all attention was in him.

"I-I go back in late august. But I'm home for the summer. I got a job at a store uptown for the summer. So I can spend time with my friends and..." he looked over at me and smiled,"yeah."

There was a chorus of 'aws.'

"Frank I wanna spend time with you but I don't wanna take time away from Mikey." Gerard frowned. "Go back out there. You'll have fun."

I looked down away from his eyes and muttered out an okay.

"Hey, don't be sad. I promise, you and I will have so much fun this summer." He smiled down at me. He lifted up my chin and looked in my eyes,"Okay? And I wanna take you down to t-the.. the adult store someday, we can pick out a few things." He smirked.

I smiled slightly and nodded.

"Listen to me, come in here if you feel like you're being left out, or if you feel off okay? I don't wanna leave you out there feeling like that. Just come in here. Or if everyone goes to bed, come in here and just crawl under the covers and you can sleep with me." He said.


He pulled me in for a quick kiss before letting me go. I walked into the living room,"What's going on?" Mikey asked.

"Nothing, why?" I asked back.

"I don't know. You and Gerard are just.." he smirked making me blush.

"Yeah we all know what happened last night..." Ry blurted. Everyone's attention went on him and I swear my mouth dropped to the floor.

Than Brendon chimed in with a,"Haven't you people ever heard of keeping your mouth shut. You know how embarrassed he gets."

"Oh my god, I am so so-" I started..

"Don't be, he's really happy." Pete said. I sat down in a arm chair and watched the movie that was playing.

It turned out how I thought it would be. Ryan and Brendon talking to each other, Pete and Mikey talking. And nobody talking to me.

I just rested my head on the arm of the chair and curled up in a ball.

This is why I wanted to just stay with Gerard.

Nobody was talking to me.

Did everyone here secretly hate me?

They don't actually want me here, they're just being nice.

My breathe quickened and I quickly sat up and looking around.

Am I wanted here?

I clutched at the arms and looked around feeling by heart rate speed up. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and rocked back and forth.

That's when I saw Gerard come out of his room and looking at me. He walked over to me with a concern look in his eye. He kneeled down in front of me,"Hey, what's wrong?" He whispered quietly.

"T-they don't want me here."

"Frank what do you mean? Who doesn't want you here?" He asked quickly and grabbed my hand.


He frowned before standing up. He pulled me up with him and I buried my head in his chest as everyone looked st me. "Go back to my room darling ill be back in a second." I stood up and walked to his room and listening in what he was saying to them,"You guys can't leave him out of things. You know that."

I smiled and sat on his bed. I pulled up a blanket and wrapped myself around it. The door opened and he walked in. "Hey baby. You okay?" He smiled down at me as he shut his door. He climbed next to me in his bed and kissed my forehead. "You're warm." He giggles.

I smile and lift the covers so he's under them with me and shut the lamp of next to me leaving the room and a dark silence.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck. "Goodnight Frankie."

"Night gee." I whispered turning around and kissing his lips. After we pulled away, he went back to nuzzling into me.

And I was happy.

This chapter is shit. I'm sorry.

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