The date

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Yuri pov...

I made out with my college professor!! Wait let me be clear, I made out with my professor, and yet here I am, on the couch holding a pillow, well more like hugging the pillow but details don't matter. Clam down, it's normal to make out with your college professor....wait let me rephrase that ...its normal to make out with your teatcher...wait that one doesn't sound right . It's normal to-

Knock knock!!

Oh some one at the door. Phichit probably forgot his phone great. I open the door.

" hey look I -" I said until I was cut off.  

" LETS GO ON A DATE!!" I saw Victor yell. He's cheeks were red and his hair was actually very well done. And he was wearing some cute clothes. While I'm wearing sweat pants and a tanktop. Oh god I probably look horrible.

" umm ...i ....uhh" what do I do??!! I never been on a date!! Never kiss some one other than phichit When we were five But that doesn't count!! I never even hardcore made out with some one. But I did all those things with Victor!! What do I say? How do I say it?!

" yuri? It's ok you say no..." He said. There was sadness and pain in his eyes.

" wait no!! I just ...never really been ask out before is all, and I didn't know how to reply...oh god that probably sounds lame!! Oh wait what I meant to Say was... Uh" I said. I made a fool of myself I front of Victor!! Great now he has a less reason to love me. 

" yuri ...that is ...I just...I'm so happy!! I'm your first!! Yes!!" He said while hugging me. He ended up squeezing me to death.

I push him away. " wait didn't you have any lovers Victor?" I ask. 

" if you count fictional characters lovers than yes, but reality no. I went to college when I was 9, I was known as a boy genius, I never really had time for lovers since I was to busy. Also I was too much into my I never really had any lovers , your my first and hopefully my last." He said with a smile. My heart stop and my cheeks went red.

" y-yuri?" He said while looking at me. He must of saw my blush and he ended up blushing. 

" umm where the date gonna be?" I ask. He smile. 

" ice rink!!" He yelled. Oh crap I never skated before!! Umm I uhh ...I don't know what to do. 

We ended up calling a taxi. It ended up driving us to a skating rink. 

He put on his skating shoes on while I try my best to put my on.

I tired to walk but ended up failing.  By falling flat on my face while Victor ask if I'm ok and of course I reply with I'm fine.

" yuri do you know how to skate?" He ask me. I hold on to the railing. 

" um no" I said while blushing. I'm such an idiot.

" here let me help you, I'll be your coach ok?" He said with a smile. I blush. He held his hand out and I grab it. His other hand was on my waist holding me up. I smiled and ending up having fun. By me falling and slipping. We end up laughing a lot.

" beka!! How could you say that season two of host club hekaru and tamaki will both found out their in love with haruhi!!" Yelled Yurio. Oh crap!! No not now!! He might end up telling everyone!!

" nahh to be honest I just think it's base on hunny eating cake"otabek say while shrugging his shoulders. 

I shoved Victor out of the ice rink. I took off my ice shoes and grab my shoes and ran with Victor. We went outside.

" yuri what the heck was that about!!" He yelled. 

" I don't want Yurio too find out about us!!" I yelled. 

" why not?? so?! Yuri I don't care if I lose my job!! I don't care if Yurio tells the whole world!! I just care about you and your happiness and safety and health and also....if you love me..." He said. He look down at the ground for a while. 

Anger blew up inside of me. Of course I love him does this idiot even know?? That I'm freaking head over heels for this guy!! Does he know how much I love him!! 

I grab his shirt and push his body towards mine while I kiss him. He gasp by surprise and I shoved my tongue in at first it hard and passionate but then in the end it was sweet and gently I push him away when he started kissing me back.

" of course I love you!! You may not care about losing your job but I do!! I first went to college so I can get a nice job!! I didn't even look forward to It !! But you change that!! I'm actually looking forward to my classes because of you!! I'm mostly happy that I get to see you in my class!! I know this is selfish but I don't care!!all I want is for you to be beside me in every situation I'm in!! So yes Victor I love you!  Your the reason I know everyday is going to be a good day because I get too see you!! I love you Victor!  I love you! Victor I love you!! " I yelled to the world and finally I told my confessions of my love to him.

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