Chapter 9 The assistant
Still Jared's POV
I was finally able to hold my child in my arms; her skin was cold, colder than mine.She was beautiful. The feel of her skin frightened me. I looked at Daloris confused. "She's okay; her skin temp has something to do with that extra bit that Tess is mixed with yours. I'll need some help cleaning all this blood and flesh up. Marcus!!" She wailed. This incredibly tall, I'm talking 7'8 kind of tall man gracefully walks into the room, ducking his head down. He had the same color hair Tess had, but his skin was a bluish grey color. Marcus's right eye was missing, so in its place they had like a robotic eye, and for his right hand was some sort of gun that was strapped to his body over the shoulder and around his waist.
His muscles were incredibly defined he looked like a body builder without the drugs. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I could see he had gaping holes into his chest, which was empty of everything. He also smelled dead, not like I am because I'm not really dead but he smelt like he had been dead a very long time. I looked at Daloris strangely. "I'm a Zombie, but not because of some virus." He said in a thick Latin accent. "I was turned a long time ago when I died, about 45 years ago. It was by magic so I'm not brain crazy, I just don't eat anything at all. I have no organs or blood. It makes me useful for Vampires and animal people. I have the strength to restrain if I need to, no matter what the race. I also clean up all the blood and gore. That's why I'm the perfect assistant" He looked somewhat familiar but I couldn't place it.
"Before I was changed I was a Werewolf." He states plainly, its obvious he can't change now with all that stuff in his skin. Jared straightened out his back and approached him swiftly. He had recognized him at last, by his scent. Although the dead smell over powers all else he knew the underlying smell, it was somewhat different but he still knew it. "Hello sir my name is Jared Eternia, I'm the vampire/fey prince. It's nice to finally meet a blood relative of Tess." He held out his right hand to take Marcus's left.
Marcus just stared at his hand. "Excuse me?" Jared motioned towards Tess and the large Zombie man froze and dropped to his knees once his eyes landed on her. His hands slightly out stretch as if he were reatching for her. he had such a look of longing on his face. It would have looked devistaingly happy, maybe sad about tess being a blood relitive. Except he doesnt have any blood left in him.
Marcus's Point of view
She's my granddaughter. I can see it in her face her skin, in her scent. She smells just like my daughter and my lover. I wish my eye's had tears, but that part of my body is dead. The only thing in me that is alive is my emotions and mind. I'm just kneeling here on my knees with my hands and arms out stretched to her. She looks exactly like my lover. The vampire prince is standing there looking at me. I know I need to explain it to him. He knew before I did that I was related to her. Does he need an explination?
I just don't know how. I need to unfreeze my body first. For the first time since I've been dead I'm saddend by my own death. Why couldn't I get a cub before my death. Why does she need a supe doctor? Is it because she's with the vampire prince? I suddenly caught a scent in the air. It was a mixture of vampire princes and my granddaughters. I whiped my head around feeling my dried out bones in my neck scraping together with the motion. Not a pleasant feeling. I stared at the thing in Daloris's arms.
Is that my great grand child? Is that why they needed a supe doctor? It looks so starnge I've never seen anything like it. Pearly skin in the dark and bronze skin in the light. It's hair is a strange white blue. It has fangs but more like a wolfs than a humans. The child deliberatly looked at me as the Doctor cleaned the blood off of her, she smiled at me. I looked away from her. The prince needed my explination.
Finally I could feel my body relaxing, my muscles not so tight any more. I readjusted my self so I could sit Indian style on the floor never removing my eyes off the strange but fascinating infant. I motion for the prince to sit next to me, or near to me. At least he is respectful. "Zombies are made by magic; therefore we still have thoughts emotions but no will power. We're slaves to own makers. Luckily for me I got Daloris as my maker and she pretty much lets me do as I please. About 43 years ago I did not look like this. I still had pink flesh, organs, and blood. I looked alive; 3 years prior to that I was a full blooded werewolf. I died abruptly, when ripped to shreds by vampires. I'm sure as you know vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies." He nodded at me with a somber expression oh his face, like he couldn't beleive it to be true.
" Right after Daloris brought me back to life, to be her assistant I finally fell in love. With a human girl, we aren't supposed to mate for life werewolfs, because it's difficult to pass the wold gene on. We can have several cubs, but not one of them could have the woldf gene. It didn't matter to my that we aren't supposed to mate for life, my life was already gone. I didn't think I could produce a child but quickly after we made love for the first time in our relationship she became pregnant. I accused her of cheating on me. I didn't even give her the chance she deserved. She left me saying there's no point in having a relationship if there is no trust. I'm completely driven by my mind and nothing else. I obsessively followed her. I was there for her when she had my daughter. I knew she was my daughter because she smelled similar to me, except alive and human. I had already started to decay then, and my lover died on the birthing table. I wanted to touch and hold my child, but I couldn't. My heart had stopped beating my skin was cold and by body had started turning blue" I shifted my body. I felt slightly uncomfortable telling this to a filthy vampire.
" I couldn't take my child because I wasn't alive, but my lover's mother took her and raised her. I watched her all the time Daloris didn't need me really. I kept hoping to see traits of myself in her and they never came. I knew she had gotten married, and became pregnant but one day she was pregnant and the next she wasn't any more but there was no baby. I thought maybe the baby had been still born. They never spoke of the child. About 2 years ago she became pregnant again had a little boy who was sick all the time eventually he disappeared too." I sighed deeply as if needing lungs the air pulled down my throat and made a high pitched whistling sound as it blew out of the holes in my chest.
I'm used to the feel of my body not doing the things it should by now. This was something entirely different never before now had I been in the presents of my child's child. "Why is she here, in the house of wolves?" I asked unsure if I really wanted to know the answer. Honestly I knew already but my own daughter hadn't shown any signs of the shift. I've never heard of it skipping a generation before. The prince's heart sped up slightly to about 3 beats a minute. "She's a full blooded werewolf sir." He cracked a small smile. "Apparently with a hint of zombie." I stared at the kid wildly for a few minutes. Well he isn't really a kid he's older then I am. His filthy father wouldn't have even had him if he hadn't fallen.
"What do you mean?" I asked incredibly stupidly. I sounded like a mindless corps with a blood vacuum on his arm. "Well there's a slight ting of something else in her blood. We couldn't figure out what it was. Even the doc has some problems trying to figure it out. It wasn't until you came in did I relaize that you might know. Well you did know why, you just didn't know. I'm guessing because you were already dead and reanimated magically into a zombie puppet she has zombie magic in her too. Diluted of course but it means she's ¼ at least. Instead of making it seperate blood ties it seems to be more like a film of sorts over her already constructed DNA. Like it's infused with her chromosomes."
I understood completely what he was trying to say. It's like an itricly woven blanket. She can't keep her self together with out it because it's a peice of her. "Why kind of person is she?" The vampire prince cracked a huge grin. "She's an absolute badass sir. She has the mouth of a salor, and plenty of ass to back her self up if her mouth gets her in trouble." I felt the infant still looking at me when my body feels wram suddenly. Something going on and it's because of this child. I smell change.