Chapter 2: A fresh start

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Jack told the overwatch agent closest to him to escort me to my room and also to reattach my arm. The agent was huge, had a giant hammer, and slick white hair.

"So what's your name my tiny Conrad." The man asked in a very heavy German accent.

"Conrad?" I replied quite puzzled, "It's Noah."

"So then, Noah, I AM REINHARDT!!" The man shouted at me as if he expected me to know who he was.

"Uhh, hi?" Where the only words that I could muster up. The man was load but very kind,even though he was pretty much escorting me to a prison cell. he started telling me story's about his "glory".

"And as I was chugging my stein of beer I was..." Rein was cut of by a little girl with black braided hair and an Egyptian accent run up and hugged his leg.

"Reinhardt!!" The little girl shouted as if she was his daughter.

"Ahh Fareeha, It's so good to see you child!!" Rein replied with a fatherly feel to his words.

"Fareeha don't run off like that!" A woman called out to the little girl.

"But mom!!" The kid whined.

"No buts." The woman told her sternly, I could tell by how they looked. "Ow? Reinhardt, good to see you. Who's the kid?" She pointed at me with a disgusted look on her face."

"What? Never seen an Aussie?" I sarcastically asked her.

"So this is what happened in Australia." The woman started to trigger me with her comments.

"Ow Ana this is Noah." Reinhardt told her trying to prevent a fight, "Noah say hi."

"After what she said? I'm not saying hi, honestly she should mind her own business." I told of both Reinhardt and Ana.

"Hmm, a rude one." Ana started, "he looks like a hooligan." while looking at my torn up clothes. "And a cyborg."

"Eh cyborg is a loose term." Reinhardt corrected Ana.

"I guess your right, we do have Genji who is a real cyborg." Ana and Reinhardt had gotten into a conversation. I overheard them talking about me and how I'm dressed and things like that. But eventually the conversation shifted over to the little girl, about her school grades and personal things. I got so bored from there conversation the lied down on the ground to "rest eyes". Ana looked over Reinhardt to see me lying on the dust covered ground. "Get up boy!" She scolded me.

"Ok mom." I replied sarcastically. We departed from from Ana and t
Fareeha as Reinhardt told me some less than stellar news.

"You and Ana will be going shopping for you to get some "proper" clothes." You could tell he thought I was going to kill someone for the information he had just given me.

"Well I'm not going" I shrugged it of as we got to my "room".

"I would go if I where you." Rein's voice got quieter ,for a change, "you wouldn't like her when she's angry." Rein went on about "Ana's wrath" as if I cared at that point.

"I agreed to be an Overwatch agent, not to make friends." I told him off as I entered my room.

"This team is built on trust! You have to trust one another in order to work as one." Rein got serious, like a mentor lecturing a pupil. "So either work as one or work alone."

"I've always been alone, don't think joining a team is going to make me anymore social mate." I tell Rein seriously as the doors to my room close behind me.

(Before the chapter ends I'd like to clarify anything people might be wondering.1, my other story ,OW high: the next generation of heros, had half of it released on accident, so any questions people my have about that can be put to rest.2, I'm not dead.3, this story Mei be going slow, but I promise the way you think the story is going, might not be as at seems. Thx luv u guys <3)

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