WANTED (The Runaways Series Book #2) Release Date:
I wanted to thank you guys so much for all of the incredible support on The Runaways & the sequel teaser from WANTED. It has been amazing, hilarious, inspiring reading your comments over the last week! I'm releasing the full early version of the sequel on Wattpad so you guys get to read it first.
WANTED IS NOW AVAILABLE ON MY PROFILE! So if you're interested in finding out what happens between Hailey & Caleb and following their story, head on over to my profile and add WANTED to your reading lists so you can keep up with the story!
NOTE: Cover reveal is on the right of the page, thank you guys for helping me choose!
On Publishing The Runaways:WANTED (The Runaways Series Book #2) Release Date:
I wanted to thank you guys so much for all of the incredible support on The Runaways & the sequel teaser from WANTED. It has been amazing, hilarious, inspiring reading your comments over the last week! I'm releasing the full early version of the sequel on Wattpad so you guys get to read it first.
WANTED IS NOW AVAILABLE ON MY PROFILE! So if you're interested in finding out what happens between Hailey & Caleb and following their story, head on over to my profile and add WANTED to your reading lists so you can keep up with the story!
NOTE: Cover reveal is on the right of the page, thank you guys for helping me choose!
On Publishing The Runaways:
As some of you know, I was approached by an agent a few weeks ago regarding The Runaways. I was offered representation and the chance to shop The Runaways to the Big Six among other publishers.
While I'm certainly grateful for the opportunity to potentially traditionally publish, I want to bring a professional copy of The Runaways to you guys in the way that I am proud of. At the moment, I'm considering other options for the book either via the traditional publishing route or indie.
If you'd like a copy of the published book please comment below so that when I release it I can let you know! You can also join my mailing list on my website for updates on upcoming releases:
Once again, thank you guys so much for everything. This book wouldn't exist without you.

The Runaways
ActionWritten by Jenny Rosen & Edited/Developmentally Edited by Kristen Maglonzo @kaelking12 Love's a disappearing act, death's an illusion. When Hailey Anderson, daughter of a dangerous D.C. senator, slams into Caleb Evans, a pretty boy with a million-do...