Author's Note:
In August of 2011, I had a crazy idea about a boy and girl who fell in love on the run.
Two-and-a-half years and almost four hundred pages later, that idea turned itself into a completed book.Well, almost :P. Now it's off to editing, revsion, beta/critique partner, and eventually publishing land!
I wanted to thank everyone who has been patient enough to wait ages for my updates, who put up with month+ long intervals between posts, comma splices, Wattpad spacing errors, and beyond. I have the wonderful world of Wattpad to thank for motivating me to keep writing this book and helping me take it seriously enough to start the journey towards publishing.So thank you Wattpad readers, friends, strangers, and family members, for pushing me towards finishing this book. It is for you & I'm out of this world excited to share it with new and old readers alike. Enjoy!
Thanks so much for reading!

The Runaways
ActionWritten by Jenny Rosen & Edited/Developmentally Edited by Kristen Maglonzo @kaelking12 Love's a disappearing act, death's an illusion. When Hailey Anderson, daughter of a dangerous D.C. senator, slams into Caleb Evans, a pretty boy with a million-do...