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the next day the two boys did meet up at lunch time. they just got to know each other. birthdays, families and things like that.
kook as jimin knew him, had even told him his real name.

"yeah so jimin, um my name as you can probably guess isn't kook,"
jimin just giggled.
"yeah my name is jungkook, jeon jungkook "
"ahhh that's a cute name." jimin replied
"do you know what else is cute jimin?" jungkook said whilst leaning closer to him.
as jungkook said that he leaned in closer so their lips were touching. it was a soft and gentle but loving kiss. eventually jimin pulled away gasping for air.
"i like you jimin, i like you a lot. i knew we've only been talking for like 5 days but i really li-"
jimin pulled jungkook in for another kiss, he swung his legs round so that he was sitting on jungkooks lap. as jungkook pulled away, jimin asked jungkook a question.
"ummmm will you go on a date with me?"
"yeah of course baby"

jimin chuckled at his new nickname, that he seemed to love.
the two boys felt like they'd known each other for years, but it had only been 5 days.

"jimin are you free Saturday?"
"wanna meet up? we can watch a movie or something like that. i mean unless you have anything else in mind" jungkook smirked whilst talking.
"id love too but i'm fine with just watching a movie or relaxing ."
"okay. might see you around babe."
"bye jungkook"
"bye baby"

the two walked off to there next class. and both smiled to themselves about what had just happened.

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