Chapter 5: Interview and Girl Talk

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Selena Silverhawk is an old friend for Viana. They took English classes together in middle school. Selena always aspired to be a journalist, much to Viana’s dismay. While Viana’s writing skills were decent she didn’t enjoy it as much as Selena.

Ms. Silverhalk shows up bright and early that morning as agreed for their interview. She even brought Viana some hot chocolate while sipping her coffee. “I had to bring you something. It would have felt rude not to.”

“Thank you! I love your hot chocolate. So… girl talk before or after our interview?”

Selena giggles. “Before!” They sit down on different couches that are near each other and then lay down, nice and relaxed.

“Awesome. So… any guy in your life right now?”

“Well… there is one, but we’re not official. He seems a little afraid of committin’ to me right now and I don’t know why.”

With an expression of sympathy, Viana responds, “That’s too bad…”

“But oh my god, he’s wonderful aside from that. He can cook, clean, spar, and even knows his way around the female body if you get my drift.”

“Ooooh so you’ve already?”


“Well it’s good he’s got all those other good things going for him. I hope he wakes up before you get tired of waiting.”

“Me too… How bout you?”

“Psh. I’m too busy to be with anyone right now… I got my Pryde, remember?”

“That’s right! How they all doing?”

“Progressing. Nobody’s died recently on their end though shit’s about to reach a boiling point so I can’t say my hopes are thinking it’ll stay this way. I have my own digging to do into Herrera’s death…”

“Interview time! Is that why you called me here?”

“Yup. Question style or open ended?”

“Just tell me as much as you can and we’ll leave it at that… I’ll ask questions to clarify things sometimes.”

“Ok. First off, all these recent murders are connected. The mob boss, Fenton, Herrera, and the attempt on Kai… All done by the same people.”

“Who done it?”

“It’s part of a big cover-up conspiracy.”

“Wait… Kai Herveaux survived?”

“By the skin of his teeth. While he’s awake, I want you to write that he’s still comatose.”

“What would that do?”

“Make his would-be killer think he’s vulnerable and not going anywhere. He’ll either try to finish the job or tackle a new target. For taking two bullets to the chest, he’s pretty resilient. I’m impressed he pulled through at all. Normally that’s fatal.”

“Bait huh? I like the way you think.”

“I know. Besides, someone’s gotta be planning shit… Nobody else can touch these guys and most just don’t have the balls.”

“Who are you up against with this exactly?”

“An organization known as the Blood Royals Fund, often just called the Blood Fund to make it look like something charitable. Politics is involved and they are trying to cover up a cold case. Everyone dying right now knew that cold case, as well as who did it, and could turn them in for it. Loose ends, Selena… They hate them.”

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