The ship of dreams or so it was

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hey, you all know the name, Jack Dawson. everyone knows me as the famous Dawson who saved rose but there's a different story,completely.

I was playing poker with my pals in our usual place, seeing as I don't stay in one place for to long, I like to think of it as home.Anyway,the prize wasn't money,it was a ticket on the most glamorous ship around The R.M.S Titanic. I knew I was in luck when they had the worse kind of cards, sowhenI won, I took my best friends arm and shouted "I'm going to America!"

 I was in my own world,everything was perfect, until the bar tender man went "No you ain't, Titanic, She go's to America in 5 minutes".I grabbed all I had with me and ran super fast. When I got to the gang way, the officer stopped the only chance of freedom I had and said to me in a stern voice "Have you got nits sir,can I see your 2nd class boarding card please and have you had a formal check through the health inspector?"

The trick is to act like you know what your talking about. "Of course I haven't got nits, I'm from Amerisca of course." I ran on-board, leaving a very confused officer. I grabbed my tickets and started to head to my cabin. I had to share with my best friend and two other people." hey, the names Jack Dawson and this sure is a swanky cabin,hardly any rats if you know i'm saying?" He looked quite confused and said to his friend "do I know what he is saying?" but in a very heavy foreign accent.

Later that day I went onto the sky deck to do some doodling (as you might want to know, i'm quite the artist) when something hit me... that something was a good thing. The most beautiful women was standing in front of me, with long red hair waving like a sunset and a velvet red dress trailing behind her like a wedding dress.

She wore glamorous bracelets and necklaces but this was the strange thing she was looking at me,and I was looking at her. I wanted to draw her as one of my french girls, but not yet, I had to get to know her first.

Later that night I was up again on the sky deck,thinking,the wind blowing in my face. I don't know why but for some reason with that girls perfect face and the stars glistening upon me... I knew I she was the one. everything was perfect but there was one problem... me.I was a 3rd class guy on a first 1st class ship and I only got here by luck.

this girl is the angel in my heart and besides, this is the ship of dreams after all, right?

The ship of dreams or so it wasWhere stories live. Discover now