4: Noticed

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JJ pov:
What did I just do I wonder to myself. I break the series of small kisses. I begin writing about love and look at the now fully blushed person beside me. They continued to tell me about love and how it felt. After they left I fell into a sleep a certain type of happiness could induce.
I awake to the smells of their smells on the pillow. Such a good smell. I also smell tacos. I go upstairs to eat a great meal of delicious tacos and various side dishes. I fall asleep afterwards and awoke to a screaming alarm clock. I go shower and then I throw the usual clothes on and a hoodie. I get into my car and play my favorite music. All the sudden a Twenty One Pilots song comes on I turn it all the way up and pull into the school parking lot and screaming it at the top of my lungs. I put my car in park and get out. I go to the lunch room per usual. I sit down at my usual table.

Y/N pov:
You sit and eat your muffin. You see the person of your dreams sit down. Then comes a female who sits beside them and puts her arm around them and lays their head on them. First class period of the day math! Egh! You go through math class upset feeling a weight on your heart. The kind that Is sickening. After the grueling hours of calculus the bell rings...
*in the last class period (literature)*
You glare over to them. You have a feeling of betrayal and underlying hurt.
You get into your groups. You stay quiet like usual.
"Are you alright?" JJ asks.
"Yeah, I'm TOTALLY alright.." You say in a sarcastic tone.
"Who was that girl this morning?"
"I don't know who you are referring to." JJ scratches their own head. "Who is she! The one who was all on you this morning! I- I should've known that I shouldn't of expressed my feelings so quickly." Your eyes start to tear up.
They think..
"Oh! McKenna.. She's my ex girlfriend. She still likes to be all over me. She still has a thing for me. Don't you ever think that you are overlooked. "
JJ smiles a little and starts to type.
"Oh.. I- I guess I assumed that I wasn't good enough for you."
JJ looks at you.
"Of course you are good enough!
Do you really not think I didn't notice when we would do group projects before this one, that you would get nervous when groups were called? You always caught my eye. I've always seen the beauty in you. Y/N you are lovely and good. You will never be overlooked or betrayed by me."
You sit in your chair smiling and blushing hard. They noticed me? Out of every girl and guy out of our high school. Wow!
Note from the writer:
Wow! That was a long chapter. That is all I have written to be published at this point. How should this story go? I'm still looking everyday for feedback. Feel free to private message me! Also check out my reading list for SFA if you want to read stories like this one. There are so many great writers on this platform. Check them out.
If you have any critiques that would be beneficial feel free to comment about them!

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