5. Lessons and Letters

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We are so sorry that this took so long to update. So much has been going on in real life and it has really effected our time for writing. We thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy this chapter. Hopefully Chapter Six won't take as long.

Thanks to Elliot for the Ravenclaw kid, whose name will not be revealed yet!




Scorpius' POV

On Monday morning I checked the timetable and saw that he first lesson we were due to have was a flying lesson with the Ravenclaws, which I was hardly happy about it.

I detested flying.

No, I mean that. I really and truly hated it. Father used to put it down to the fact that I was rubbish at it, which was most probably true. It made me thankful that my father wasn't more like his father, because my father honestly didn't care about how good at flying I was. That was one of the few good things about him; that he didn't want me to excel at anything in particular. He just let me be as I was, and I was always thankful for that.

But none of that changed the fact that we were due to have a flying lesson. I wondered how easily I would be able to avoid actually flying, because I would probably have to end up doing that for the entire year. There was no way that Madam Burtlaw (my father was taught by the now retired Madam Hooch) was going to see me anywhere higher than a few feet of the ground during any of her lessons.

I decided to get to breakfast before Potter, to make a note of how difficult the staring looked to be. I certainly noticed that the stares James got were very different from the ones that Albus received, though that was probably just a given. Albus had, for whatever reason, landed himself in Slytherin. And I very much doubted that creatures as judgemental and unforgiving as children and teenagers were going to get over that any time soon.

Not that I helped with that, but what could I say? Potter was a nice guy, and if I didn't give him a hand to get through his school year then he would be stuck with only that creepy Cahill girl, and nobody should have to go through that. Except maybe James Potter, but that's it.

People gave up staring when Potter sat down next to me. Anybody would think that there was some reason for people to dislike me or something, wouldn't they? I didn't know what was up with the world anymore.

"Potter, do you happen to know of a reason why people may dislike either one of us?" I asked the boy, receiving only a very small smile in response.


Potter looked up at the same time as me, and we were both treated to the sight of Elisabeth (Elle, sorry) Cahill sitting down opposite us. I actually had to blink when I saw her silver eyes. They were very creepy. They reminded me of my owl's eyes. Incidentally, my owl was named Creepy. Huh.

"Guys! Loads of people stare at you two!" Elle chirped.

"Thanks for the info, Elle," I dismissed. "We really needed that."

 Elle shook her head. "No, but really! I think they're being awfully rude!"

 Potter looked at me helplessly. I just shrugged at him.

"Well, no matter!" Elle seemed to brighten up instantly. This girl had some serious issues. "We have a flying lesson first thing today! Isn't it exciting?"

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