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Hello just as a disclaimer i want to clarify stuff & things.


-This story takes place after the chunin exams, sasukae got the cursemark but it got removed ,tsunade is hokage, all the rookies and villagers forgot about natuto's show of power in defeating gaara, sakura thinks sasukae beat gaara, sasukae got in so much pain he forgot what happened and sakura told him he defeated gaara and so he believes her and thinks he defeated him, no he doest get jealous of naruto. Naruto calls kuruma, Kuru-nii. Also rock lee is all beter now.(sensais, hokage, ichiraku ramen and naruto, and Suna, know the truth of who defeated and changed gaara)Also naruto doesn't have the toad contract as jirya never trained naruto.

- I DON'T OWN NARUTO (sakura would be dead if I did)

-"This is when people speak out loud"

-'This is when people think'

-"This is when Kyuubi/Kurama talk"

-'This is when Kurama thinks'

-(This is when i talk)

-This is narrator

| ok all done enjoy |  P.S. sorry for bad spelling  |



A boy no older then 4 was running through the shadows of konoha's streets, running to reach the forest of death, although its dangerous to normal people, the animals in the forest often took care of naruto.

And why may you ask this boy was running away. Thats easy today was October 10th, the day the 9 tails "died", the celebrated "Kyuubi festival", and the fox hunt. The day the villagers hunted the boy and tried to kill him. But today was also a long forgotten celebration... so forgotten even the boy himself forgot, it was Naruto's birthday...

As Naruto was almost to the gate, he was counting the distance between him, the forest, and the mob chasing him. 'theres 10 meters between me and the gate holding back the forest if i continue to run like this i should get there in a minute', Naruto turned his head as he continued to run, 'there are only about 15 meters between me and the mob, good there no shinobis this year' as Naruto thought as he ran into something at first he thought it was the gate and for a second if you looked carefully you could see a spark of hope in his cerulean eyes, but as he looked up he saw the horrific truth... He ran into a group of 3 shinobi, to be exact the anbu sent from the hokage to make sure Naruto doesn't die...

As he looked up the shinobi's he ran into, Ox, Cat, and Bird. The one in the middle, Ox, grabbed Naruto's wrist and lifted him of the ground. Then he shouted to the group in front of him, "THE FOX HUNT HAS ENDED." in the group of villagers you could hear people whining, and others saying spitefully "the demon deserves it". Then the same anbu yelled over all there voices, "AND LET THE FOX TORTURE BEGIN!"

The anbu captain threw Naruto to the ground making him land with a loud thud. As Naruto was trying to get up he saw the anbu part to make a path way for the group of torturers.The smell of alcohol coming off the 'villagers' was enough for Naruto to bend over in an effort not to throw up. Looming above him were the sadistic smiles of the so called 'citizens' of the leaf, as Naruto looked up to stare at them, one of the more drunk villagers broke the bottle of sake on Naruto's back causing pieces of glass to get stuck in his skin and litter around his feet, a shrill scream could be heard as the others started to join in the 'fun' and started kicking and punching him.'why do they hate me... what have i done to them' were the only thoughts going through Naruto's head as he kept getting kicked and bruised. Then all of a sudden out of the corner of his eye Naruto saw the anbu starting to approach with a sake bottle and a kunai. "come on demon, the night is almost over i guess we should make this last" Ox said as he crouched down to look at a mangled Naruto in a pool of his own blood, "what demon no more words?" the anbu member asked waiting to see if he had enough courage. "W-w-why are you doing this to me I-i did nothing to y-y-you"Naruto said in a hoarse voice. "nothing, NOTHING" the ox replied with, "you monster do you really think anyone would believe you, you killed my wife and i shall teach you the consequences! GO DIE IN THE DEPTHS OF HELL !!" He said as he lightly brushed the kunai's sharp edge against Naruto's back drawing a thin line of blood. "get ready demon this is going to hurt ... ALOT!!!" then he drove the kunai in to his back slowly dragging the kunai across writing out demon on his back, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" was all that could be heard from Naruto's mouth as the sadistic Ox wrote on his back. When he finished the anbu behind him poured the sake on his back making it burn.

As Naruto slowly fell out of consciousness he could hear everyone leaving, leaving a mangled Naruto in a pool of his own blood, as he slowly drifted in to darkness. When he opened his eyes Naruto found himself in a giant sewer, "so they hurt me, kick me and throw me in a sewer classy" Naruto said with a great ordeal of sarcasm, then he saw the giant cage."what?"

"so my jailer finally comes and visits me" said a voice in the darkness, coming closer. "W-who a-are you?" Naruto said with clear panic in his voice. As the voice came closer to the front of the cage a giant blood orange fox with 9 tails came into view. "T-the 9-tails what are you doing here y-y-you were k-k-killed by the 4th." Naruto said still holding the same amount of panic. "hahaHAHAHAHAHA!" the loud, deep voice laughed a cold laugh and filled the sewer with its sound. "like the yondaime could kill me I am the the Kitsune no Kyuubi the most powerful of the 9 bijuu, the puny mortal never stood a chance. Thats why he sealed me up in here In you." "Wait why would the 4th choose to seal you in me, WHY ME! WAS IT PUNISHMENT FOR ME BEING A DEMON!!" Naruto screeched out putting all his pent up anger and sadness in his voice. "haha no" the Kyuubi replied "then WHY?!?" Naruto screeched out again. "oh just shut up and let me explain!!" the tailed beast yelled. Naruto fell silent. "... hmmm....I'll tell you when your 18" the Kyuubi said calmly, "what?!? Naruto screeched back "oi, shut up brat your gonna make my ears bleed, plus we have more immediate things to talk about." The Kyuubi started "right now i'm healing your body so you don't die from your harsh beating. Also i'm telling you now, I have no respect for a stupid brat like you and the only reason i'm doing this is because if you die i'll also die, and it takes to many years to reincarnate, so don't expect me to be buddy buddy with you. But I cant have a weak host so i will tell you this as advice, get stronger become worthy of the title, "jinchuuriki", survive the hate the torture, then you will gain my respect, and i will help you on whatever dream you shall have.Goodbye." "wait whats happening why am i fading?!", "your regaining consciousness and don't forget." "I-i wont Mrs.Kyuubi" ."haha, call me Kurama. WAIT IM  A GUY YOU GAK-"


Me:Thats the end for now wha-


Kurama: I don't know naruto, I think they portrayed you perfectly

Naruto: WHAAA-?!

Kurama: You heard me ya brat

Naruto: yeah right ya over grown fur-ball, i'm epic! BELIVE IT!!!



Me: Good better. So before i was RUDLEY interrupted i was saying hopefully you enjoyed, leave a comment if you did too tell me to continue please.


P.S. i wrote like 1384 words and counting including this, GO ME!!

Book 1 | LOST IN MYSELF | A DISCONTINUED naruto fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now