|Chapter 1|The Trip Starts|

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Small DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto but the plot line is of my own creation

Read prologue for INFO on the story

P.S. Naruto is hiddenly a great seal master



As the sun rose above the village, naruto layed sleeping in his bed (the same apartment as the anime) in a pile of blankets when all of a sudden an alarm clock started ringing. If you looked carefully you could see the shifting in the blankets until all of a sudden a kunai flew out of the pile of blankets, hitting the alarm clock, while breaking it.


"kit.kit.kit.kit.kit.kit.kit.kit.kit. KIIIIIIIT!!" was all that could be heard out of the great Kurama's mouth o- "KIT GET UP NOW OR YOU'LL BE LATE!!"as the blankets shifted once more a short yellow-haired, 12 year old boy got up. "alright i'm up no need to shout" Naruto said sleepily."kit how do you expect for your dream to come true if your almost always late" a concerned Kurama said. "don't worry Kura-nii , my dream will come true, i mean when i defeated Gaara and changed him"Naruto yawned out, " you said you finally respected me and that you would help me relized my dream of being accepted by everyone. right, right?", "yeah, yeah kit but remember, you still have to keep your mask on but maybe if your really sure,... ummm...... maybe you can take of a bit, how bout showing them how you really look." . "yeah, YEAH THATS A GREAT IDEA, BELIVE IT!!". " now go get ready or you'll be late!!" Kura-nii barked. "yeah yeah i'm going ya giant fur-ball."

Naruto started his morning rutien that consisted of him, putting a kettle to boil taking a shower, washing his teeth, reapplying bandages on his torso arms and legs where he was injured so badly even the kitsune couldn't get rid of the scars(Thats why he wears bandages so no one sees his scars).Then going to put the warm water in the ramen, eating getting changed.(BUT AUTHOR-CHAN WHY DOES HE WHERE BANDAGES?) (Reference to prologue to "carving" and being "mangeled"). He was wearing his normal Kill-Me-Orange jump suit, it wasn't much for ninja but he liked it, also its the only thing those demon villagers sold him. He was wearing his forehead- protecter around his forehead, and was wearing his ninja shoes. He had his normal bright blob of sunshine on his head, his big blue eyes, and his 3 wisker markes on either side of his cheeks.(so exactly like the anime) But then he relised the henge. A boy about 3 inches taller then naruto appered, he had the blob of sunshine on his head but the tips were red, as if his hair was fire. The boys cloths fit perfectly on him no longer baggy, but you could see his musceles, toned but not too toned.

Naruto then proceded to leave his house and lock the door. As he was walking of the steps he quickly ran to the shadows, running in them so he wasn't seen. 30 min later he was at the bridge team 7 normally met. There he could see sakura and sasukae,(of corse sakura was flirting with him and the duckbutt ignored her.) as he got to the bridge, he appered at the same time as kakashi. "Alright, good everyones hear." kakashi started, "well we have 2 weeks off so me and the rest of the genin sensei's decided we'll go on a trip to help biuld teamwork and to train." "meet at the gates in 2 hrs". and with that he desipeared into a cloud of smoke.


"where is that baka, everyone is waiting for him, even kakashi is here before him!!" Sakura screeched (stupid pink banshee....*grumbles*... jrufwif)"don't worry sakura naruto will be here soon." kakashi replied trying to see a way naruto wouldn't get killed by sakura.


"ok i think i have everything in my backpack." naruto said to no one in particular. " double check kit". "got it kura-nii", "ok so i have the scroll with the weapons, i have the scroll with my money, i have the scroll with my cloths. what am i missing?" "the scroll with your music and giatur." "yeah but what happenes if they find out" "do you really think you can stay sane without it." "good ponit." naruto then procedes to seal his acustic gitaur and music sheets in a scroll."ok thats everything lets go."he strapped his backpack on his back and proceeded to leave his house.(He changed into black boots, and was wearing blackish-grayish shinobi pants- kunai holder on his leg- with a orange- like his jumpsuit- zipper sweatshirt that was currently unzipped that had stuffed fox ears sticking out the top, and his head band had red cloth instead of the blue one that was wrapped around his left arm )


As soon as he got in to view... "YOU BAKA WHY ARE YOU SO LATE EVEN KAKASHI-SENSEI GOT HERE BEFORE YOU!!" The pink-banshee screeched... oh i mean sakura. "I-i'm sorry sakura but-" naruto tried to say but sakura cut him off. "AND WHAT'S WITH THOSE CLOTHES AND YOUR HAIR ARE YOU TRYING TO LOOK AS COOL AS SASUKE-KUN CAUSE IT NOT WORKING, YOU-YOU BAKA!!!" "n-no i was just-" naruto tried to plea. "Come on let's just start going." kakashi replied,As they started leaving. As they were leaving you could hear everyone, "tch, troublesome." from the lazy nara, then Gai and Lee shouted, "HOW YOUTHFUL OF YOU TO JOIN US!!!" in murmurs you could hear "tch, loser", 2 banshees screeching "yeah Sasuke-kun is correct." a "hello naruto" from the hyuuga prodigy, and course of 3 "heys." then in whispers you could hear the 2 other jonin whispering " he's picked up kakashi's habit of being late, hasn't he..."

As they were walking everyone ended up walking in 2's. Gai and Lee at the front being 'YOUTHFUL'. The 2 heartthrobs of the leaf, Neji and Sasuke behind them being all cool. Sakura and Ino behind them fawning over Sasuke and yelling at each other, Shikamaru and Choji behind them, one looking at the clouds while the other was snacking on an endless stream of chips. Then Kiba and Shino were just walking with kiba rambling and shino just listening quietly, and after them was naruto and tenten talking back and forth. And at the back of the pack were the remaining 3 senseis of the genin teams, asuma, kurien, and kakashi who were listening to all the rookies conversation.

They were shocked when they heard what all the conversation's were about....


Me: Don't really know if you can call that a 'cliffhanger' but.....


Me: Well please tell me if you enjoyed. Also the next chapter might be alittle short since it's just kinda gonna be about the converations they have.

Me: Also as you can see 1 week time = Publishing time. Also sorry if the story isn't so good and kinda short... Please forgive me.

Important authors short note: two things i have to talk about that are very important, ya know.

I have no itention of adding a pairing in this story, but that might change, just give me your opinion.

This "Important authors short note:" is going to become a thing, ok.... GOOD!

Me: Please have enjoyed, till next time, see ya!!!

P.S.  I wrote like 1252 words including this, GO ME!!!!!

Book 1 | LOST IN MYSELF | A DISCONTINUED naruto fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now