Chapter 17

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It ws myh wedding day..!All i could do ws ...keep quite ...nd do whtever....i ws told to!!!I had no hopes...of escaping dis...!!!Myh heart ws broken into thousands of pieces....!!I ws alive but a hopeless body ..!!!I had no regrets ..i consider no one as myh family now..!!Maybe ws in myh destiny...!!Myh ...job....everything got destroyed....!!!!I ws now...someone else's property..!!I no more had control over myhself....nd i ws sure....dat Mark would do d same wid me he did to his wife ...or...let me say ex-wife...!!!I would have to sacrifice everything!!I never thought of Mark in such way!!I used to love him...but now...all i had for him ws...Hate nd anger!!!He ws so selfish..!!!He is marrying me....jst for his needs ...nd...jst for some stupid contract!!!!!How can a man become so selfish!!

.....I wore a humongous gown...wid pearls all over it..!!!I had a veil wid crown on myh head..!!!Yes...i felt like a princess....but...d one....who is forced to marry to..a criminal...jst for d sake of bloody contract!!!!
I had a bouquet of myh hands..!!It ws a grand wedding...of course...afterall....he ws a billionaire..!!!He can do nything for publicity!!As i entered d church...i saw...crowd of people...pushing nd pulling jst for taking a photo..!!He ws d a black tuxedo wid a red bow!!!!He looked so charming...dat every girl..would die for him..jst byh looking at his beauty..!!He held his he took steps towards me...!!He offered me his hand..!!I did not wish to give myh hand to him...but he ...snatched myh hand nd..took me to d stage ...where d father stood.... reciting his poems!! uh Mr.Mark Pearson..consider Ms.Dhruvisha ur loving wife?!?
"Yes ...i do!!"
I stood total he spoke dis lines...!!Before...he spoke dis line.....i atleast had a single hope..dat....i can escape...but now...everything went numb!!!All i could feel rolling down myh face!!!

Do uh ...Ms.Dhruvisha Kanani...consider Mr.Mark ur...loving husband!???...
I..I do..!!(Not wishing to speak dis....but i had to!)

I hardly spoke dis...!!
Mark according to father's instructions....held myh veil ..pushing it back...KISSED me....which gave me .. a sudden shock ....nd also d...out of world feeling...!!But as soon as i opened myh eyes....I remembered his deeds...nd...all i could feel his nerves!!!

Soon everything ws over..!!Now ...i ws his legal wife...wid so many...suspects...who watched our marriage ceremony..!!
After everything got over....we were allowed to go to his home...or i must mention....dat it is a huge mansion..!He had....big black cars....following him...on his wedding day also..!!!As i ws watching d cars....
Don't worry....dey r jst for our safety..!!!

I jst...rolled myh eyes...nd looked in d opposite direction..which made him uncomfortable nd ...sort of angry he also....turned his face ...away!!We entered ..a wonderful nd big gate.....!!!D car ws stopped in front of d main entrance...of d mansion..!!!D front of d mansion...contained....3 most beautiful fountains...nd..amazing ...greeneries....which made d place live...!!D place had amazing scent...!!As we entered d door to d mansion....d servants stood der....for our warm nd dear welcome.....!!Dey made us to shower in petals of flowers...!!D patels...were all on d floor covering d entrance !!..As Mark led me inside of his huge house....he directly....started climbing stairs to d first floor....nd i stood der all speechless..!!As he ws abt to reach d last step....he looked towards me...pointing me to follow him..!!I did i ws told to do!!Der....he led me to a huge room....i ever saw in myh life..!!It had very expensive nd...valuable things all around..!!Even d floor ...had n amazing shine....!!!It has a beautiful dressing table amazing bad...!Also.....a huge nd beautiful chandelier hung at d centre..wid all sparkling things around it..!!!

Dis is ur bedroom from now on...nd m going to share it wid uh!!C'mon don't act like a kid....nd get urself relaxed..!!

He went into d bathroom...!!I sat on bed...looking towards d floor..!!All i could think of dis beast ...going to do....whtever he did to his ex-wife..!!?Is he using me...jst for his own sake!!??Wht is he going to do wid me now..!!Now...i had no life further...den to jst follow his orders nd do whtever he wnts me to do!!!!...Streak of tears started falling from myh eyes directly on d gown....which i wore...!!!It ws too heavy....nd.....I already had so much of aches nd myh body   due to d earlier incident..!!!I lay on bed...waiting for d beast to come...nd show his....horror side...!!!

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