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I woke up groggy and a little nervous. I get dressed in my uniform that my dad picked up from the school. It's a bit slutty for in my opinion, but it will do. "Christ on a bike!" I hear my dad shout at me. "What you don't think I look pretty?" "No honey you look beautiful everyday, but don't let any of those boys touch you." I sigh and walk towards the fringe. Ugh! "Dad buy some food when you come back from work." "But all the food here reminds me of old people old, sad, and just crazy." I walk out the door to find the nearest trolley. I grab on to the rail and wait. I got off the trolley to see in big words Queen Elizabeth School. I walk up stairs a bit threatened by the mass amount of people. Everyone seemed so cultured and innocent. I was lost in my thoughts, when I a group of guys walked up to me. "Hey love what's your name." Oh no he must the fuckboy of the school. "Y/n." After that I speed to the entrance. I then bumped into someone. Oh no it's the guy from the other day. "I'm so sorry again." "Woah you must be a real clutz." I can't even respond because he's accent is just hot. That's the good thing about England the sexy accents. "Well I'm Dan Howell." "Oh yeah I'm y/n I just moved here from Ireland. "I can by the cute accent." "I-i should get going to the main office." I say awkwardly. "Oh I'll walk you there since you're new and all." This is bittersweet because he's so hot, but I'm a awkward mess of a girl. We walked to the office in dead silence. "Um well here we are." He gives me an smile. I can't help but smile back at him. "Thank you." I blush and speed walk into the main office.
                         *Time Skip*
I walk into my first class of the day, math. Ugh easily my worst subject. "Welcome." My teacher says with a fake smile. "We are all so excited to have a new student." "She's from Ireland." The class whispers to themselves. I can see the girls giggle about my appearance and the guys snickering to each other. "Okay take a seat next to Phil." I see a pale guy with black hair and bright blue eyes raise his hand. I walk towards ignoring the comments about me. Then the teacher begins their lesson. God this is going to be a long 39 weeks. "Hey I can show you a whole new world here." I look to my left to see Phil. And did he just make an Alddain reference. "I can show you around school if you want,but I have a bad sense of direction so my friend will tag along to." I just nod. "Alright meet outside by the dinning hall."

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