Humiliated- Ponyboy

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Requested by @ag32578

I needed to tell someone. I needed to tell someone who I liked, no, loved. I couldn't tell my bestfriend because thats who the love of my life is. Ponyboy Curtis. Just the thought of his smile and laugh or the way he looked at me made me melt. I was sitting in the Curtis home watching Mickey with Two-Bit on the couch.
  Hours had passed and I was still thinking of Ponyboy. Everyone started leaving. Johnny was going to the lot, Dallas was going to Bucks, Two-Bit and Steve were going home. I was still thinkimg when someone snapped me out "Hey uh Tiny anyone in there" I saw Soda standing in front of me "ya Soda. Im just thinking" "Aww Charity are you thinking of a special someone. Your cheeks are bright red" I could feel my cheeks heat up even more "ooooooohhhhh who is it" I shook my head "I got to get going" I stood and started towards the door. Soda blocked it "not intill you tell me who" "ugh fine Soda. Its Ponyboy" he laughed and I heard a gasp. I turned around to see Pony standing there with his mouth wide open. "Thanks Soda" I pushed pass him into the night. All the gang besides the Curtis's had probably reached there destination. I kept running. I ran past the lot, Buck's, and Two-Bit and Steve's homes. I slowed down finally. Which was a mistake on my part. I heard a engine rev and turned to see a bright blue mustang with two socs sitting in it. "Hey wanna ride grease?" I ignored them and kept walking. Another mistake on my part "me and my buddy here don't like to be ignored" they stopped the car and got out. I continued to walk only faster this time. One of the socs grabbed me and the other put a blade to my neck. "Why'd you ignore us grease". I kept quiet knowing if I tried to talk back thinga would end up worse. The guy pushed the blade hard against my neck. I felt the blood trickle down. Before he could start to cut more he fell to the ground. Pony stood there. The soc got up and went to their car. The other one followed. I sat on the ground shaking. Pony sat next to me "hey you alright" "Ya if you don't count the fact that I was all most killed and humiliated in the same night" He looked up confused "ya know the reason I ran out" He scooted closer so he was right in my face "I don't know why Charity. I like you back. Not even like, LOVE. I love the way your grey eyes sparkle when your excited. I love the way this scar makes you unique" he ran his thumb over the scar on my chin. "For gods sake Charity, I LOVE everything about you" he pulled me in for a long kiss that I hope that we would never pull away from.

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