Chapter 2

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As I say there looking upset while my mom is driving I get a text on my phone from Jordan. That is something to cheer me up. As I look at it I read

Jordan: Janelle I have a question to ask you 2 actually.

I reply back: What?

Jordan: Okay so the school prom is coming in like 4 weeks and I wanted to take you and the movies this weekend will you go?

WOW I'm so happy he asked me that I like him a lot I say YESSSS!

Mom: Why are you so smiley *walking in the house*

Janelle: Nothing, Mom can I go to the movies this weekend or nah?

Mom: Or Nah?

Janelle: Mom it's a saying everybody says at my school *laughs*

Mom: okay but yes you can who are you going with

Janelle: A boy

Mom: *gasp* Lord Jesus I haven't seen you with a boy in forever it like you and that basketball was dating.

Janelle: mom he's just a friend but I'm going to go in my room I have some homework anyways

Mom: Okay.

*I walked to my room and did my home work and was on the phone with Monica and Ariana on three way we had a deep conversation:

-on the phone-

Monica:Y'all wanna know who is the cutest boy in the school?

Ariana: I know! It's Lonnie

Monica: Bish whet? No Weston

Janelle: I think it's Jordan.

Ariana: Girl the most athletic nigga in the school WHO WOULDNT? Lol he went with Kennedy and she still is in love

Janelle: In Love?

Monica: OBSESSED , she has pictures of him in her locker and she always talking about him and he hates her he be like "LEAVE ME ALONE"

Ariana: Stupid bitch Kennedy Imma fuck her up again. I'm suspended for 3 days y'all Imma be bored as hell at home

Monica: Imma text you during the day

*Janelle sits there and thinks to herself like what if Kennedy wanna fight her because Janelle likes Jordan*

Janelle: Now I feel some type of what

Monica: For Whaaaa?

Janelle: I like Jordan and we are going to the movies and he asked me to prom.

Ariana: fuck what Kennedy say she ain't gone touch you and she popular and all but I'll body her ass

Monica: right fuck her wanna be Brazilian weave ass bitch hair ain't Brazilian that shit is a Godzillian

Janelle: *laughs* the fuck her hair do look fucked foreal

Ariana: y'all my momma trippen talking about she finna go to philly without me and she just left

Janelle: Dayumm ain't you from there?

Monica: yo mom gone for 3 days

Ariana: YESS good thing my step dad here

Monica: I'm not trying to say nothing but you step dad creeps me the fuck out dude.

Ariana: Everyone says that and my dad was like come stay with me in New York I'm like no and he was like okay and my step dad gives me everything and my family doesn't stay around here but I'm kinda scared

Janelle: Aw

Monica: bro if that nigga say some creepy shit leave that house.

Ariana: Bro fuck what you say that's my life B. I ain't Finna hear that bullshit you just pissed me off and you put my business out there to the school that my step dad creeps everyone out you been my nigga since 3rd grade and you did me dirty enough said cuhh you fucked over.

-Ariana hangs up-

Janelle: She went in

Monica: Hold The fuck up she got me fucked up ooo Imma call her back fuck her she ain't loyal anyways

-Monica hangs up-

Janelle: woah

* I was shocked what all I heard but I continued to text Jordan and then I fell asleep*


Mom: Wake up Janelle

Janelle: Okay

* got in shower Brushed teeth and everything else and instead I walked to school which was like a 10 minute walk*

I walked in school looking for Monica but they said she had ISS so I'm like who am I going to sit by?

Jordan walks up to me

Jordan: Wassup *hugs me*

Janelle: Hey

Jordan: we going to a assembly today so we might have lunch outside which is the courtyard

Janelle: Courtyard

Jordan: it's big and fun trust me you can sit with me

Janelle: Okay I guess

-skips to lunch-

Today went good so far and I walked in this big ass yard and student everywhere and tables and picnic covers and shit

Jordan: over here

I sat there and ate and laugh with him by the time I was Finna tell him how I felt Kennedy walks up

Kennedy: Jordan don't tell me you have a new bitch

Janelle: actually I'm not his bitch I'm his friend

Kennedy: Shut the fuck up wasn't nobody talking to your ugly ass go back to Atlanta Performing Arts Hun.

* the crowd is like oooo*

Jordan: Listen I'm tired of you I never liked you it was a 1 time thing get over it

Janelle: Hold up you dirty smelling ass bitch I'm not your little minions you can pick on ill beat your ass and I'll blow you at in basketball dirty ass weave with all that hair glue that we can see and you must be on your period because your pants have blood on behind

-Everyone laughs-

Kennedy: OOOO you wanna be ass bitch Imma hurt you Soo bad just wait on it.

-Kennedy walks away and runs to the nurse to call her mom about her pants-

I walked back to my seat looking nervous what is she gonna do to me?

Jordan: Don't worry I have your back through Thick n Thin.

Janelle: Okay I Guess.


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