Whats In the Past Stays In The Past

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( Dream )

"Hay don't be so down (y/n) its cool that you going to be a bodyguard and be able to change what other vampires have done for years" Lucifer said.

"Heh you think so but Tom didn't seem to happy about me doing this" I chuckled .

"He just don't want to see you get hurt and i don't ether but I know your a strong girl and can handle any thing that's thrown at her  hell you could probably stop a bullet"he said.

" Yeah but just like every one else I have my limits and no i cant stop a bullet dumass" I smirk.

"I know that but as long as I known you. You never lost a fight and always come back stronger then before" He said.

"I gees so but if it was for Tommy I would be still going after humans and drinking there blood" I said.

"  Hay what about me  I helped you as much he did" He pouted.

I laugh at his childish way is always like that  He just a goof ball and i loved him for that and that he really is my friend.

"Yes you helped me out two cause you are the only one that wanted to befriended a monster like me"I said.

"Yeah I know. But there would have been others that want to be your friend also but I am your best friend and don't forget it " He cheesed.

I could help but laugh god he just the weirdest half breed I have ever meet. But he is right he is my most closest and caring friend I have had.

"Hay (y/n)" He sound series.

"Whats up beside the sky" I joked.

"Jesus you and your jokes are going to be the death of me but I really need to hire you as my bodyguard" He said.

"What why do you need me what happen ? " I asked

"Someone said about me being half breed to the others and now every  werewolf is after my head" he said.

"Dam it fine I will do it and you don't have to pay me any thing. Cause you are my friend and I will keep you safe. I know a place that we can go. But I don't know how long we will be safe there so we might have to move as soon as I pick up any sense or trace of werewolf's I said.

After then I thought we was safe.I could not beat them they was to strong for me to take out on my own. But I failed him and I failed myself. I let him down.

(end of dream)

I started to wake up to seeing a white roof. I knew I was not at home . I look over seeing Sans sitting in a chair Then Tom walked in.

"Hay chickie how you sleep" he asked

" i sleep okay i gess how long was I out for ?" I asked.

" Not long like a day and a half" Tom said.

"I'm guessing Sans is the one that brought me here to get me patched up?" I asked

"He was pretty worried about you.I could tell he cares a lot about you" Tom said.

"He don't need to worry " I said.

"Remember last time this happen you was half dead that day also" Tom said.

"Whats in the past stays in the past Tom there is no changing it" I said.

"Yeah I know (y/n) " He said.

Some Dreams Left In Darkness (UnderFell Sans X Vampire Reader)Where stories live. Discover now