Chapter 27

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The next day dawned in a haze of grey mist, the threat of rain hanging in the air. It was such a big change from the bright and warming sunshine that had followed me since I began this job, I couldn't help but feel it cast an ominous shadow of the days proceedings to come. I shivered much more heavily at the chill in the air as we left the Travelodge that morning, both adorned in our funeral garb, and I was thankful that my trusted leather jacket was black and fitting to wear for the day ahead.

“You ready for this?” I asked Jesse as we stood facing his car, almost reluctant to climb inside.

“No.” Jesse shook his head. “Not even close. But don't really have much choice now, do I?”

That was true, his mother had given the marching orders and all who would attend must obey. The funeral wasn't until twelve, but Maura expected Jesse and Eric, and any other close family to be at her house by half past ten. The coffin was going to be brought into the house for the family to say their own personal farewells before they would all head on to the church.

I'd never understood the appeal of an open coffin funeral, or even just a moment before the actual service. What was laying inside was just a body, a cadaver with nothing left of what made it the person it had been in life. Their soul would have moved on, hopefully to somewhere nice – I wouldn't be the first person to knock life in Hell, but I wasn't the one on the receiving end of the eternal torture offered in all the brochures. Wasn't it better to remember a loved one as they were in life and not as a cold, dead corpse, lying in a wooden box just waiting to be buried, or burned?

Maura had been hoping that I wouldn't be there for this 'touching' family moment – as a matter of fact so had I, but Jesse was obviously expected to be there, whether he wanted to be or not and he wanted me at the funeral with him. Maura's big idea had been for Jesse to come along with the family in the cars hired from the funeral directors that would follow the hearse, and I could take Jesse's car straight to the church after dropping him off. Then, of course, once I was there I would take a quiet pew in the back and mind my own business until the service and interment was over. It was a good plan really, and poor Maura had sounded so organised and determined, until she learned that I didn't know how to drive.

Jesse, on the other hand, was relieved by my lack of a drivers license. I think the thought of being stuck in a car with Eric and his mother, following the slow procession of his sisters dead body was a little too much to bear.

We arrived and the house was abuzz with activity. People I'd never met before milled around the large kitchen, the Reverend was just making his departure as we got there, needing to head to the church and make the final preparations for the service, but having come to offer his support to the family in person on his way through.

Jesse wandered off in search of his mother the instant we arrived, wanting her to know he'd turned up on time and save himself any reprimand. While I, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the mass of people all consumed in their own thoughts of grieving that they were all fairly oblivious to my presence, headed out into the garden to appreciate a moment of solitude; distancing myself from a situation I so did not belong in.

I caught sight of Eric for just a moment on my way to the door. He cast me a scathing look just as a flock of primped and perfumed ladies breezed through the kitchen carrying floral displays in their arms. Taking the moment of distraction as they passed, I slipped out through the door before Eric had the chance to say anything insulting or disapproving to me. I wasn't quite ready to face him yet.

Outside I sucked in a great lungful of fresh air, for once appreciating the chill as it helped to clear my head and order my thoughts. My only problem was I wasn't sure I really liked how they looked, all neat and logical.

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