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luke leaned back on michael's shoulder, his head a little cloudy.

neither of them drank a lot, but luke was buzzed. one drink and he was feeling tipsy, but michael wasn't a lightweight like luke.

he kept his arm tight around luke and let the blond boy lay on him.

"i'm gonna go get water. do you want one?" luke asked, and michael nodded.

"yeah, thanks babe." michael said softly.

"you're so good for him." ashton said, taking another sip of his beer.

"you think so?" michael asked, looking away from luke.

"yeah, i do. when he first got here he was so shy.." ashton said.

"he was. it was impossible to take that book from his hands." michael laughed.

"you helped him break out of his little luke shell. now look at him. he has more friend..." calum slurred, so michael turned around and saw standing in front of a group of boys.

luke smiled as a guy put his hands on luke's waist, looking up at the younger boy from his spot, sitting down.

luke threw his head back laughing, and his body was pretty much pressed to the strangers arms that he was in. another guy was mixing a drink for luke, and michael knew that couldn't be good.

michael stood up and walked over to where luke was, grabbing onto his arm.

"let's go, now." michael growled, and luke looked up at him as he was dragged away from the group of guys.


"just shut up, luke." michael said as he grabbed their stuff, and walked back towards the tent.

luke knew he was in trouble. michael was angry and anybody could easily see that.

luke walked quickly behind michael who was dragging him by his wrist.

when they got back to the tent, luke sat down, and waited for michael to say something. he was looking out of the back of the tent, his hands on the wooden plank keeping the back up.

"mikey?" luke asked.

"what luke?" michael spat.

luke didn't respond. he just stayed silent and watched as michael huffed.

"i told you to be careful, luke! i told you to not go near those guys. they're only gonna hurt you if you get close enough." michael told him.

"but i was being careful. they were just telling me-"

"you were not! one of them already had his hand on your ass, and another one was getting ready to hand you a drink, luke! if calum hadn't have told me you were getting felt up by some dude, than you probably would've let it continue!" michael said louder than luke liked.

"i didn't mean t-"

"how could you be so stupid, luke?! this whole trip they've been trying to get in your pants! they only come here to sleep around, and you just let them touch you like that! what the hell?!" michael yelled, and luke bit nervously on his finger nail.

"you shouldve-"

"why are you yelling at me?" luke asked, interrupting michael as a tear slid down his cheek.

"because you're not careful enough around them! they could've easily slipped you something, and taken you!" michael told him, and sighed

"please go.." luke whispered, tired of the yelling.

"im gonna step outside for a second, and just calm down." michael mumbled, and luke watched as michael left.

the younger boy wiped his eyes, and laid down. he pulled the blankets over his body, and allowed himself to cry into the pillow.

he knows michael is just worried about him, but he cant stand yelling. he pulled the blanket up to his nose, and let his tears soak into it.

"hey, i- luke?" michael asked as he came back into the tent.

"no more yelling." luke whispered, and michael pulled the blanket back and sat on the edge of the bed.

"i'm sorry.." michael whispered as he pulled luke onto his lap. luke laid down on michael's shoulder as the older boy rubbed his back. "...it's just, every time i see you around them, i just get worried because i don't want you to get hurt, or for them to say something to you that makes you uncomfortable. i'm sorry for yelling. it wasn't your fault. you didn't do anything wrong."

luke kept his head down, and softly kissed the side of michael's neck once.

"i don't want them to touch you. you're mine."

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