Chapter 2

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           AN: Above is Rose's Swords. They both look like above. Hope you enjoy the story so far. Plz let me know what you think of it. Also I'm going to make this a Hak love story. I will show what Villa looks like next chapter.

Rose's POV

            I opened my eyes to see i'm in a room on a bed. I got up looked around and the room was very girly for my taste. I saw my katanas and put them back on my back. I was about to leave the room when someone entered the room. That person was a man with short black hair and blue eyes dressed in blue themed clothes holding a great spear. Hm, he's handsome.

            "Your aw-" the man didn't finish what he was saying because I rushed past him while punching him in the gut.

            I was running though the building looking for a way out so I can get away. Some guards noticed me and tried to stop me. The man from before somehow caught up to me and got in front of me. Some guards were with him in front of me but I saw a open window. I jumped to the open window and out into a garden.

            "Wait." said the man from before.

            Once outside I looked around the ground and saw the girl from before the one that looks like me. She turned to me and once she saw me she came running towards me with a worried look.

            "Nee-chan. You should be resting. After all you did fall from the sky." said the girl.

            "Nee-chan?" I asked confused.

            "I'm Yona. Your my long lost older twin sister. Us looking alike is proof of that." said Yona.

            "I see. Where is Villa?" I asked worried.

            "Who?" asked Yona.

            "The cat that was with me." I said.

            "I think some gurads to-" Yona didn't get to finish because we heard yelling.

            "Get that cat!" yelled someone.

            "Get out of the way. We have to find Princess Rose!" yelled the man from before.

            "Rose where are you?!?" yelled/asked Villa.

            We turned to see Villa flying being chased by a group of guards being followed the man from before and who must be the Kin- my father. Villa saw me and busted into tears. She flew towards me.

            "Rose." said Villa as she flew into me crying.

            I wrapped my arms around Villa to stop her from crying.

            "There is no need to cry Villa." I said as I patted her head and gave her a closed eyed smile while tilting my head.

            Some of the guards and the man blushed when I did that. My father looked at me with happiness and kindness.

            "But Rose when I woke up you were gone. I was so scared something happened to you." said Villa as she looked up at me.

            "I know you must have be scared but I'm here now. That is all that matters." I said.

            "Princess. You should let go of the animal. And let us threw it out." said one of the guards as he reached for Villa.

            "Don't you dare call Villa it or animal! She is my best friend and I won't let anyone take her from me!" I yelled as I punched the guard in the gut and face sending him flying.

            "No fighting and leave Rose's friend alone." said my father.

            "We are sorry your majesty and Princess Rose." said the guards even the one I punched.

            I was so confused that I didn't see my sister grab me.

            "Yona why don't you take Rose and get her a change of clothes. I will be there to talk to you later since I need to speak to Hak." said my father.

            "Ya! I get to spend time with my sister." said Yona as she dragged me back to her room.

            "What is wrong with my kimono?" I asked.

            "It is not something a Princess should wear." said Yona as she dragged me inside.

Hak's POV

            I watched as Yona dragged her sister Rose and her friend Villa off to her room. That Princess sure does know how to throw a punch. Remembering when she punched me in the gut and when she punch the guard. My thoughts than turn to when I blushed earlier when she was reunited with the cat. She is cute with her hair in a ponytail and having her head tilted while having a closed eyed smile on her face.

            "Hak." said King Il.

            "What is it you need your majesty?" I said.

            "I want not only to keep a eye on Yona but Rose as well. Can you do that for me?" asked King Il.

            "Of course your majesty." I said.

            "I'm going to got get ready for the speech I must give than talk to Rose and Yona after." said King Il.

            King Il left to go get ready so I started to walk back inside. Great. Now I have two Princess to look after. Well at least Princess Rose knows how to fight.

(Discontinued) Yona's Long Lost Twin Sister - Akatsuki no Yona  & Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now