Tape 2:Side B

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"Elton, you are the first person to ever witness my cutting epidemic. You swore not to tell anyone. For the first two weeks after I told you, everything was fine. I had stopped cutting and finally calmed down. That is until you told Scotty. Scotty told Gabbie. Gabbie, being my friend at the time, was outraged. It made me sad seeing how disappointed she was with me. I was sad though. Toddy treated me wrong, Gabbie was leaving me, and Dom was being a man hoe. Elton, little did you know I was cleaning up my act for someone special. Someone I finally came to love. He will be mentioned later. That's not the point though. Elton, you caused me to cut once again! I drove myself to the hospital one night because my cuts were so severe. Elton, I could still be alive. I was almost out of my deep depression when you had mess every fucking thing up. For that Elton, Welcome to your tape!"

My head started pounding. It was too much for me. I knew I wasn't mentally stable to finish to tapes but a little voice in the back of my head kept telling me too. I took a pain pill. I turned the hot shower water on when I started to feel better. Lots better. I quickly ran back in the kitchen before my water got cold and grabbed the bottle. Once I was back in the bathroom, I took two more. The bottle said only to take one every twenty four hours. I needed something to numb the pain. My palms became sweaty and my vision blurred. This flood of emotion came back to my heart. I started to cry. Liza baby? Why did you leave me? I searched through my counter drawers when I found a razor blade. We had used it to take the paint off my wall when we were remodeling. I cut myself. I started thinking about Liza. When she came to mind, everything around me was numb. I didn't feel the cutting.. I just stared at wall not looking where the blade went. I felt something cold pour down on my leg. It was the only thing I could feel. My blood was everywhere. I unlocked the door with the strength I had left. I yelled for Alex. He came running in.

"David, no. This can't be happening."

"He.. Hel.. Help."

"I'm trying. I'm calling 911. Dude, you can't be doing this. Liza wouldn't be happy with this."

"Fuck it dude."

Alex applied pressure to my wounds. He bumped into the counter when all the pain pills fell on the floor. I grabbed one and started to put in my mouth. Alex slapped me in the face. Hard. My whole face was burning and my ears were ringing.

"Fuck you Alex!"

"You don't mean that. You are drugged from the pain pills and paralyzed from the sadness."

"Alex, why'd she leave me?"

"Tapes, David."

"Oh, the tapes. Could you bring them to the hospital with me?"

"I guess but don't get them out when someone else is in the room."


My head was spinning. The blood on the floor started to scare me. Everything went black. I woke up in the hospital. No one was in my room. My arm was stitched up and covered in bandages. I carefully grabbed the tapes and listened on.

"See Elton, I decided to mainly have two reasons why I died. Yet, that wouldn't make since. If it wasn't for you Scotty wouldn't know my weaknesses. These weaknesses resulted in many other things including one major situation in where something terrible happened to me. Only Zane knows about that though. But, one you get to Zane's tape, all his secrets will be exposed. See I look at the small things like this: If you constantly "joke" around, tease, and make someone cry it will eventually add up no matter how small you think it was. If you add a drop of water to an empty Pacific Ocean, one day the ocean will flood destroying everything in it's path. I ladies and gentleman, I am the flood."

The tape finished. A nurse walked in. She started to feel around on my arm. I moaned in pain. She started to tell me a story.

"Listen, Mr. Dobrik. My daughter killed her self at the age of 14. She was tall, skinny, athletic and goofy. Everyone at her school told her she wasn't good enough and constantly brought her down. She decided to see how cutting felt one night. She took it too far and cut a very important artery. Being 14, she didn't know this. She sat in her bathroom and bled to death. She died that night. We looked for a suicide note. There wasn't one. Why? Because she didn't mean to kill herself in the first place. There was a quote in her personal journal along with thousands of others but this particular one stuck out to me the most, "add a drop of water to an empty Pacific Ocean, one day the ocean will flood, destroying everything in it's path. I am that flood!" It was underlined several times. The page was stained with tear drops. My baby girl died with no sign and no warning. She seemed happy but apparently not happy enough."

I broke down. The same quote her daughter had my Liza had. I began to tell her about Liza's death.

"My twenty one year old girlfriend committed suicide three weeks ago. There wasn't a note. There wasn't anything. She told me the same quote your daughter wrote. I thought she was happy but she wasn't."

"That case sounds familiar. What's the name?"

"Liza Koshy."

"Oh my god. Son, that's my daughter's idol. My daughter died on the 28th of November."

"Liza died on the 26th of November."

"Did my daughter kill herself because of Liza?"

"Ma'am. I don't know."

"I'll be back. I need some time to myself."

I needed time. Time away from Earth and everyone on it. I needed Liza.

Author's Note:
Wow. Intense chapter! I need your advice guys. For Chapter 15, which won't be a tape. It will be kind of a memorial chapter though. Should I bring Liza back? I have already written a chapter based on Liza just committing a fake suicide and Alex helping Liza see that she is loved. Liza flew back to Houston to see her family in hopes she will get out of her depression. I don't want to ruin the moral of the story but if I don't write about that then there won't be a sequel to this book. So should I or not?
A. Yes
B. No
As always, love you guys! Stay safe. Please don't forget to follow, rate, and comment suggestions. Bye!

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