Tape 3:Side B

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"Welcome back! You're listening to another David Dobrik and Jason Nash Podcast. I'm just kidding. Go ahead, laugh. Even though it wasn't that funny. Oh, I know. Why would a dead girl lie? Because she's dead. Ok. Too much? Yeah I thought so. Welcome back anxious listeners. Have you heard your tape yet or are you still waiting for yours? Well, on Tape 5 Corinna's name is written on it. Not literally. Ah, Corinna. The girl who destroyed my reputation. You see when David and I first started dating we were risky and flirty. We started kissing on the couch. You decided to take a photo and post it on Instagram. With my family values, my father wasn't happy. David seemed unhappy too. I got several tweets saying, "whore!" "Slut." and "David is just using you for subscribers!" I tried not to believe them but I couldn't help it. I wanted a real relationship and Corinna you just flushed it all down the toilet. My reputation was on the line for several weeks. My subscriber count went down a few thousands. It was awful. You never were sorry or apologetic! Corinna? You've slept with Dom, Toddy, Jason, and Heath. You want to ruin my reputation. Baby girl, you've already done this to yourself. You ruined my career almost and my relationship. I will never forgive you for that. Well, I don't have much choice now. See Corinna, now not only do you have to live with lip fillers, fake boobs, and a fake ass but now you have to live with the fact you killed someone! Congratulations. Corinna, I aspired to be like you for the longest time. You were pretty and humble, but you became a bitch! Boys started chasing after you. It's amazing how much a person can change another person. Corinna, I hope your happy! You get to live with the fact you killed an innocent girl. Or was I so innocent? I guess you will find out on the next tape."

I've had enough for today. I need to listen to another tape but I don't have the energy. My arm is hurting and I'm in pain. Alex won't let me near the pain killers. He has completely gone through my stuff to make sure I have no razors. Liza's tapes are hard to digest. All I want to do is cry. I decided to go to a party at UCLA to take my mind off of everything. Dom and Alex were going. I knew Dom would go get knocked up by some college girl and Alex and I would just talk about life.

*Two hours later*

Dom was off with some girl. Alex took a shot. I kept thinking about what Liza said. How she said she drowned out the fact of me not being there with alcohol so I did the same. After eight shots of straight vodka, Everything was a blur. I knew I needed to get home to Liza. I couldn't think straight. I got in my Tesla and started the car. I shouted for Alex to come with me. He kept yelling no. I pushed the petal and started to drive. Everything went black.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the short chapter! I promise it will become better and more heart wrenching. Thanks for reading! I will update tonight and tomorrow. Enjoy.

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